Course accompanied and supervised by the teacher or in self-assessment.
To train on a question in a complete way, being accompanied by a teacher-tutor. Intermediate programs for individuals seeking a complete training.
Registration and start of studies at any time. Flexibility: at home, at your own pace.

Christ the Physician, by Marc Mitri, explores the figure of Christ as a healer in the light of Gregory of Nyssa. Combining patristic tradition with contemporary issues, this book, prefaced by Marie-Anne Vannier, reinterprets salvation as the complete restoration of the human being.

Domuni Universitas rejoices in the appointment of His Excellency Monseigneur Armand Koné as Metropolitan Archbishop of Korhogo (Côte d'Ivoire). Mgr Koné was a student at Domuni Universitas.

This article presents two works by Domuni-Press on the interpretation of the Gospels. Bruno Callebaut, in The Gospels at the Crossroads of Exegeses, analyzes modern exegetical approaches and advocates for a nuanced reading of the texts. Manuel Rivero, in Progressing in Truth, traces the journey of Father Lagrange, a pioneer of exegesis that combines faith and reason. These works offer a deep reflection on the reading of the Gospels and their relevance today.
International Journals
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3 Faculties
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