Bachelor in Religious Studies
The BA in Religious Studies provides students with the basic knowledge of philosophy and theology. The course programme is made up of approximately one-third philosophy and two-thirds theology.
The BA in Religious Studies is a 3-year course. There is a specific coherence and unity to each year.
First year of the BA in Religious Studies :
This first year is concerned principally with God and the human being.
Second year of the BA in Religious Studies
The second centres on Jesus and the Christian.
Third year of the BA in Religious Studies
The third year is concerned with The Church and the Christian life.
The BA in Religious Studies
This course is particularly suited to students who wish to deepen their faith through a comprehensive and coherent approach to study, addressing major matters of theology (Bible, ethics, dogmatics, patristic and history of Christianity, theology of religions). This approach offers an overview of the faith, developing a coherent, balanced and relevant understanding.
The MA in Theology
A two year course and focuses on the deepening of theological knowledge and an initiation to research. It assumes that students have acquired the level of a first full cycle degree in Religious Studies or its equivalent.