Business and Human Rights

Entry requirements: There are no prerequisites for this certificate programme. The course material is undergraduate level.
Length of Studies: 12 months
Validation: Each of the five courses is assessed by a written assignment. Each certificate is worth 30 ECTS (one course = 6 ECTS).
Certificate: Business and Human Rights
• An introduction to human rights, business and development,
• introduction to human rights law : theory and practice,
• migration and sustainable development goals,
• food governance and sustainable development goals,
• international humanitarian law.
Content of the courses
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List of Courses
International Humanitarian Law
The course seeks to explain the concept, nature and history of International Humanitarian Law (“IHL”) in such a manner that the student will become familiar with its operations in international law. Some concrete case studies will be included to assist the student to fully understand the core concept of IHL.
Wars have been waged from time immemorial and its practice continues to change over time. Our interest in this module is the law regulating conflicts.
Introduction to international human rights law: Theory and practice
As an introductory course on contemporary challenges in international human rights law, the course is designed to offer basic insights on various topics. Students are encouraged to do further reading so as to deepen and expand their appreciation of the complexity that characterises the various topics.