Christology Part One

In this first course on Christology we look primarily at the Jesus of the Gospels, particularly the Synoptic Gospels: his life, death, and resurrection.
Educational achievements:
At the end of this course, students will have:
- Excellent foundation for continuing their studies
- Acquired experience and confidence in reading, comprehension and text analysis.
- Students will be able to use it in other courses or projects.
Evaluation methods:
Students will be providing a written assignment (between 3 and 5 pages) by treating a subject to choose from those proposed.
Table of Contents:
- Introduction
- The death of Jesus
- Resurrection From the Dead
- Jesus Is Raised From The Dead
- The Servant becomes Lord
- Jesus, the compassionate sage
- Jesus'teaching
- Historiography and Faith
- The Jesus of History and the Church's Jesus
- The Infancy Narratives