

Access: There are no prerequisites for these short courses. The course material is university level.

Length of Studies: 12 months

Validation: Each of the five courses is assessed by a written assignment.

Certificate in Bioethics

This diploma concentrates on ethics: like philosophy, ethics is in search of principles and universals. One could also say that ethics reflects on what is the good and how our lives are oriented towards it. A particular focus is given to bioethics from a Catholic viewpoint and examining the legal, philosophical and moral bases. This course is concerned with restoring and strengthening bonds between professionals, patients and families, not simply dealing with principles like bioethics. The teaching material makes use of case studies and explores how clinician-patient relationships/encounters have contributed to research on ethical issues.

The final course that makes up this diploma offers an introduction to a topic area that underpins the aforementioned teaching on ethics. We look at the authentic life of our human spirit or what our life is truly called to be. Without our participation in the life of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Trinity) through baptism, we cannot truly be Christian and without grace we cannot truly live a Christian life.

Courses of the certificate in Bioethics

- Foundations of Ethics
- Bioethics 1
- Bioethics 2
- Bioethics 3
- Theology of Grace

List of Courses

Foundations of Ethics

Foundations of Ethics

Ethics, like philosophy, is in search of principles and universals. Ethics reflects on a particular human experience, namely, the experience of the good or of being good, and sets it in the context of the whole. One could also say that ethics reflects on what is the good and how our lives are oriented towards it

Bioethics I : Foundations of Modern Bioethics

Bioethics I : Foundations of Modern Bioethics

Legal, Philosophical and Moral dimension

Bioethics II : Informed Consent and Risk Analysis

Bioethics II : Informed Consent and Risk Analysis

Investigators have a duty to ensure subjects give not only informed, but voluntary consent?

Bioethics III: Clinical Ethics & Legal Implications

Bioethics III: Clinical Ethics & Legal Implications

Concerned with restoring and strengthening bonds between professionals, patients and families, not simply dealing with principles like bioethics.

Theology of Grace : God’s Life in us - The Authentic Life of our Human Spirit

Theology of Grace : God’s Life in us - The Authentic Life of our Human Spirit

Grace is God’s life in us, the authentic life of our human spirit or what our life is truly called to be. Without our participation in the life of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit (Trinity) through baptism, we cannot truly be Christian and without grace we cannot truly live a Christian life.