
Access: There are no prerequisites for these short courses. The course material is university level.
Length of Studies: 12 months
Validation: Each of the five courses is assessed by a written assignment.
Certificate in Ethics
Professing the Catholic Faith is about far more than an application of ethical principles. Nonetheless, within any life in the Spirit aiming to build up the Kingdom of God on earth; Catholics are continuously faced with ethical choices. The following set of courses offer the opportunity to explore ethics in the widest sense of the word and ultimately aims to help students to open their eyes to the key issues and teaching behind everyday decisions.
Fundamental Moral Theology
Foundation of Ethics
Catholic Social Teaching
Social Political philosophy
Aquinas’ Notion of Friendship
List of Courses
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching (also known as Catholic Social Doctrine) sums up the teachings of the Church on social justice issues. It promotes a vision of a just society that is grounded in the Sacred Scriptures and in the wisdom gathered from experience by the Christian community as it has responded to social, economic, and political issues throughout history.
Foundations of Ethics
Ethics, like philosophy, is in search of principles and universals. Ethics reflects on a particular human experience, namely, the experience of the good or of being good, and sets it in the context of the whole. One could also say that ethics reflects on what is the good and how our lives are oriented towards it