Discovering the Great thinkers

Access: There are no prerequisites for these short courses. The course material is university level.
Length of Studies: 12 months
Validation: Each of the five courses is assessed by a 5 page written assignment.
Certificate: Discovering the Great thinkers
Philosophy is primarily a personal thought, humans’ flesh and blood, who have a specific social and political root that influences their thinking. This certificate presents five strong personalities. They have had a decisive influence on their time and on philosophical reflection in general.
Find the list of courses for the new certificate "Discovering the Great thinkers" below:
List of Courses
Kant: A philosophy of Freedom
According to Gibelin in his Foreword to Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone, Freedom is the central theme of Kant’s philosophy. This course will introduce to Kant, centering on Freedom as a key concept to understand his philosophy, in the three spheres defined by the critical project: Metaphysics, Moral and Aesthetics.
David Hume: The Great Empiricist
This is a comprehensive and systematic course on the philosophy of David Hume – a prominent Scottish Enlightenment philosopher widely known for his influential system of philosophical empiricism, naturalism and scepticism. Based on his influential and extreme Empiricist ideas, Hume can be rightly considered as one of the most important philosophers of all time.