Divine Impassibility

Divine Impassibility: A Thomistic Critique of Jürgen Moltmann’s Staurocentric Trinitarianism
Course code: THEN32
Professor: John-Mark Uchechukwu IgboalisiDescription
Classical Christian doctrine has always affirmed divine impassibility, that is, God, in his divine nature, does not suffer. However, this doctrine has been subjected to criticism by some modern passibilist theologians. The thoughts of Saint Thomas Aquinas offer us insights in responding to such passibilist theologians, for divine compassion is grounded on divine impassibility.
Table of content
- Backgroung to Jürgen Moltmann's staurocentric trinitariasnism
- The staurocentric trinitarian doctrine of jürgen Moltmann
- Thomas Aquinas on the doctrine on God
- Theological appraisal of Jürgen Moltmann's staurocentric trinitarianism