E-Seminar: Orthodox theology and the future of ecumenical dialogue

E-seminar in Theology
by Jesmond Micallef
From 12th April to 7th June 2021
Course code: SEM47
Professor: Dr. Jesmond MicallefDescription
Ecumenism evolves within time and circumstances. It changes rapidly as society evolves mainly on two levels; a global and local level allowing Christians hoping to witness a new kind of ecumenism capable of redefining religious relationships. This new type of Ecumenism which is emerging is more flexible because it stands on shared praxis and gives less importance to questions of dogmatic content. Ecclesiology complements Ecumenism in sharing many features with the former, particularly as regards to its global perspective and interest in shared praxis, thus making the two cooperative and mutually-enriching.1 The shift to synodality in the Catholic Church has the ability to turn towards discernment in the ecumenical sphere since it manifests similar theological commitments and a common interest in cultivating participatory processes.
This Seminar’s objective is to show the contribution to Ecumenism in the person of John Zizioulas, a central figure and one of the best-known theologians of the contemporary Orthodox Church. His field of work rages from theology, philosophy and the Church. Zizioulas presents contemporary thought with an unrivalled expression of Christian theology. His theory of ecumenism is no doubt one of the most respected in the ecumenical camp. He came up with a view that there are 3 types of ecumenism.