Individual courses

Based on the firm belief that academic excellence should not be limited to those studying for a degree, the university takes pride in offering further education programmes (leading to Certificates of Advanced Study) and Individual Courses to anyone wishing to be immersed in the intellectual heritage of the Dominicans.

Certificates of Advanced Study and individual courses are validated in the same way as Bachelor level courses. A paper of 12000-16000 characters, including spaces is required for each course. The study duration for a certificate is 12 months, according to the pace and rhythm of each student, under supervision by a tutor.

Choose between:

  • 15 Certificates of Advanced Study, in Theological or Philosophical Studies
  • Over 500 Individual Courses

Choose your course by using the search engine and click on the title to see the detailed outline.

  • Accompanied courses – you have access to the learning platform and your studies will be supervised by an academic tutor. These courses are worth 3 ECTS credits which can be counted towards a study programme with Domuni or at another academic institution.
  • Read only courses: you will receive the PDF of your chosen course within 48 hours

Courses search

New Testament Events

New Testament Events

This course is part of the book of Bieke Mahieu, Between Rome and Jerusalem. Herod the Great and His Sons in Their Struggle for Recognition: A Chronological Investigation of the Period 40 BC-39 AD, with a Time Setting of New Testament Events. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 208. Leuven: Peeters, 2012.

New Testament Greek 1

New Testament Greek 1

This course will provide a general introduction to the language of the New Testament.

New Testament Greek 2

New Testament Greek 2
Prerequisite: completion of NT Greek 1 with a minimum grade of 12/20 or previous study of New Testament Greek.


Newman's Theory of Doctrinal Development

Newman's Theory of Doctrinal Development

Application of the Newmanian Criteriology on the Axiom "Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus"

Opposition to ecumenism

Opposition to ecumenism

This course will give students a general exposure to traditional opposition to Ecumenism within the perspective of the three main traditions of Christianity.

Organisational Information Systems

Organisational Information Systems

Completing this course will be valuable for your future career in a sense that you will be able to build your unique way of analyzing your Business environment. By applying the concepts that we will discover together, you will be able to focus on the interests of your company while building a systemic approach to your environment.

Patristics : An Introduction to the Fathers of the Church

Patristics : An Introduction to the Fathers of the Church

An introduction to the Fathers of the Church, from Ignatius of Antioch to John of Damascus: Writers, doctors, pastors, the Fathers of the Church


Philosophical Anthropology

Philosophical Anthropology

The term ‘anthropology’ is derived from two Greek words: ἀνθωπος (anthrōpos) and λογος (logos). 

Philosophy and Education

Philosophy and Education

This course has been written to assist the audience to understand the philosophical underpinnings and its relevance to the complex situations of the 21st century, but also to allow learners to determine and appreciate the role of philosophy in education.   

Philosophy of Entrepreneurship

Philosophy of Entrepreneurship

The purpose of this course is to explore the philosophies underpinning economic approaches to the study of entrepreneurship. 

Philosophy of Language

Philosophy of Language

Philosophy of language is an extraordinarily rich field. It has a history stretching back, in the Western tradition, to the preSocratics.

Philosophy of Logic Part I

Philosophy of Logic Part I

Logic equips individuals with the required skills to identify errors, known as fallacies in an argument. Logic generally studies the relations the mind creates between different products or contents of intellectual knowledge; that is perceptions, propositions and arguments, and seeks to understand the different relations, which arise in the human mind when it knows things. This comprehensible course on logic is divided into two parts: the second part (sections III and IV) on formal logic focus on the core aspects of categorical syllogisms.  

Philosophy of Logic Part II

Philosophy of Logic Part II

Just as pertinent knowledge and expertise are required when making right decisions and choices, certain skills and rules are necessary when attempting to reason correctly. Equipping one with logical skills and rules is the major aim of logic or philosophy of logic. This comprehensible course on logic is divided into two parts: the first part (sections I and II) give an overview of logic and common informal fallacies.

Philosophy of Religion

Philosophy of Religion

Philosophy of Religion is also known as Philosophical Theology or Philosophy of God. Other names include Natural Theology and Theodicy.

Philosophy of Science

Philosophy of Science

The impact of science, not only on the world we inhabit, but also on the world of philosophy, is undeniable.

Political Philosophy: An Introduction

Political Philosophy: An Introduction

Political philosophy is a branch of philosophy that studies essential questions about various political issues, concepts and problems that are important to any human society. 

Principles of Accounting

Principles of Accounting

A study of accounting concepts and their application in transaction analysis and financial statement preparation and analysis.

Principles of Leadership

Principles of Leadership

Completing this course will be valuable for your future career in a sense that you will be able to build your unique way of managing people and analyzing your Business environment. By applying the concepts that we will discover together, you will be able to focus on the interests of your company while building a more holistic approach to interpersonal relationships.

Prophets Part I

Prophets Part I

An Introduction to the Prophetical Phenomenon

The prophets understand themselves as inspired by God and claim that what they say is word of God. This is obvious from the very frequent formula they use « Thus speaks the Lord »...

Prophets Part II

Prophets Part II

Minor Prophets

Study of the Writing Prophets in Chronological Order

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