Introduction to Catholic Tradition

This course gives a survey on the Catholic tradition by examining a series of documents like Lumen Gentium and other documents of Vatican II.
Course code: THEN71
Professor: Dr. Jesmond MicallefDescription:
This course gives a survey on the Catholic tradition by examining a series of documents like Lumen Gentium and other documents of Vatican II to show that the Catholic Church does not possess one rite only, but that she embraces all the ancient rites of Christendom and thus her unity consists not in a mechanical uniformity of all her parts, but on the contrary, in their variety, according in one principle and vivified by it. The readings of the documents enable to see the Church’s intent to move always in the direction of unity.
- Authority in the church
- Theological dialogue
- Catholic ecumenical movement
- Ecclesiology
- Dogmatic constitutiion
- The church and its challenges
- Joint declarations