Master in Theology


Online, distance learning, Master’s in Theology

The Master’s in Theology is dedicated to deepening theological knowledge and to initiating students to research. It assumes that the student has completed a full undergraduate degree in Theology or Religious Sciences (or equivalent). According to the agreements between European universities (Bologna process), equivalences are recognized and there can be a validation of previously acquired studies and experience for those who present university diplomas.

The Master’s in Theology is a two-year program, to be studied and prepared for over two distinct academic years.

It is possible to for the student to study one academic year over two calendar years by studying at their own pace, thanks to distance learning.


Through an agreement with the University of Lorraine, and under certain conditions (including a passive knowledge of the French language), students who request so may obtain a French state degree in Theology.



The M1 is composed of 7 courses and 2 seminars, which the student chooses. His/her choice is confirmed by the director of studies. The interactive seminars, led by a lecturer, are research-focused seminars. During the M1, the student also prepares his or her research project in preparation for the M2. This is a one-year program, with a total of 60 ECTS.


The M2 is divided into 5 specializations: Biblical Studies, Ethical Studies, Interreligious Studies, Theological Studies and Philosophy. In order to become specialized, the student chooses 4 courses and 1 interactive seminar related to his/her field of research. In addition, he/she devotes himself/herself to writing the thesis, under the direction of a qualified professor. This is a one-year program, with a total of 60 ECTS.

The research thesis may focus on a particular theologian, on a given period of religious history, or on a specific theme (eucharist, confession, the theology of the body, the existence of God, the influence of a philosopher on theology, Aristotle, Plotinus or a philosophical school, stoicism, epistemology...)



There is a wide range of courses, from apologetics and catechesis to liberation theology and biblical exegesis; from the theology of the Catholic Church to the theology of the Orthodox Churches and Protestantism, with courses in ecumenism given by theologians from different traditions: Protestants, Orthodox and Catholics, with a clear distinction between the different denominations as well as Evangelicals and Pentecostals.



In addition to the fact that students can take more time and study one academic year over two calendar years, examinations, since the Covid 19 pandemic, can be done by videoconferencing, in front of the jury. For the thesis defense, assessments last one hour and are recorded. This arrangement helps to protect the environment (by avoiding travel), to save time and money and of course to avoid transmitting the Covid 19 virus.


It is also worth noting that enrollment happens daily. As soon as the registration process is completed, students receive a code that allows them to access the Domoodle teaching platform and begin studying. As mentioned above, each academic year can be spread over two calendar years without the need to re-enroll or pay tuition fees again.



Each course is evaluated by

- a 10-question quiz

- a long paper (10-15 pages)


  • At the end of the academic year: An exam in person taxes place by a videoconference examination, recorded, with a doctor of philosophy
  • The thesis defense concludes the MA 2.