New Testament Events

This course is part of the book of Bieke Mahieu, Between Rome and Jerusalem. Herod the Great and His Sons in Their Struggle for Recognition: A Chronological Investigation of the Period 40 BC-39 AD, with a Time Setting of New Testament Events. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 208. Leuven: Peeters, 2012.
Course code: HISTEN001
Professor: Dr. Bieke MahieuTable of content
- Step 1 : Abbreviations
- Step 2 : The births of John the Baptist and Jesus
- Step 3 : The ministries of John the Baptist and Jesus
- Step 4: The apostolate of Paul (1rst part)
- Step 5: The apostolate of Paul (2nd part)
- Step 6: Conclusion
- Step 7: Bibliography