Philosophy and its history

Access: There are no prerequisites for these short courses. The course material is university level.
Length of Studies: 12 months
Validation: Each of the five courses is assessed by a written assignment.
Certificate: Philosophy and its history
This course will provide an overview of the history of philosophy in the Latin West during the Millennium that stretches from the 6th century to the 15th century and offers an opportunity to look at the key “lovers of Wisdom” of this period, Bonaventure, Aquinas, Aristotel, and amongst others John Duns Scotus. The focus on philosophical influences continues right up to the social political philosophy influencing the 21st Century.
The courses on critical thinking considers "Epistemology": the science of knowledge. It is an investigation of knowledge and its problems. A synonymous term is “criteriology” which again from the Greek means to distinguish or judge. It deals with testing knowledge to find truth or detect error.
The focus on philosophical influences continues right up to the social political philosophy influencing the 21st Century. Social political philosophy tries to establish norms, rules and ideal standards, how the social and political life should be.
Philosophy and its history
- A brief History of Medieval Philosophy 1
- A brief History of Medieval Philosophy 2
- Introduction to Critical Thinking 1
- Introduction to Critical Thinking 2
- Social Political Philosophy
List of Courses
Introduction to critical thinking. Part II
The modern epistemological problem has two aspects:
1. The opposition between science and philosophy or truth and error. We find this basically in Descartes and Kant.
2. The conflict between science and science or that of contemporary and classic physics and not an opposition between science and philosophy or truth and error.