The Song of Songs

The Song of Songs is a lock whose key had been lost long ago. As a matter a fact, no book that small has caused that many commentaries and questions along centuries.
Course code: TH02
Professor: Dr. Hervé TremblayDescription
Saadia Gaon said that the Song of Songs is a lock whose key had been lost long ago. As a matter a fact, no book that small has caused that many commentaries and questions along centuries. Usually, in a course on a small biblical book, we deal first with introductory questions and then offer a commentary of the book. But since a commentary of the Song of Songs, as it is found today, has nothing directly theological or even religious, in this course we will just cover the main questions and topics associated with this mysterious book of the Bible.
Table of content
1- Name of the book
2- Place in the canon
3- General aspect
4- Structure – Plan
5- Literary aspects
6- Unity
7- Texts and versions
8- Sitz im Leben and literary form
9- The different interpretations of the Song of Songs
10- Author and dating
11- Canonicity
12- Theology
13- History of the interpretation
14- Liturgical use