Theological Anthropology

St. Thomas Aquinas on Man as made to the Image of the Trinity and on the Trinitarian God in whose Image we are made and to whom we are Conformed.
Course code: THE153
Professor: Dr. Kevin O'ReillyCourse objectives
This course is a penetrating insight into Thomas's Trinitarian Treatise in the Summa Theologiae. While chapter one is concerned with human beings who are made to the image of God on account of their possession of the faculties of intellect and will, chapter two concerns itself with the Trinitarian God to Whose image we are made. It examines what it means to ascribe the capacity for knowing and loving to the triune God.
Table of content
Chapter I. To the image of the Trinity
- STh I, q. 93: human beings as made to the image and likeness of God
- Likeness according to conformation
- Conclusion
Chapter II. The God to Whom we are conformed
- The Scriptural foundations of Thomas’s Trinitarian theology
- The Trinitarian missions
- The processions of the Son and the Holy Spirit
- The proper names of the Son and the Holy Spirit: from theologia to oikonomia
- The Son as Word and Image
- The Holy Spirit as Love and Gift