Trinitarian Ontology

Both traditions, classical Greek metaphysics and Trinitarian theology, link “being” with life, but Trinitarian theology deepens the connection by making “relation” essential to the “First Principle” in a way that ultimately produces something new, a Trinitarian ontology.
Course code: TH318
Professor: Dr. Jesmond MicallefDescription
Trinitarian theology “extends” classical metaphysics. God isn’t being or essence only; God is “person.” Greek metaphysics “always relegated the who to the accidental and phenomenal level.” Not Christian theology; the personal who is as fundamental as the metaphysical what. The biblical God isn’t the endpoint of a reflection on the cosmic, not the “necessary foundation” of physical reality. God freely creates, is always present to and in relation to creatures, ultimately in the incarnation. We can know Him only if He shows Himself. And He does. God isn’t self-regarding, Thought thinking Thought. He knows, thinks of, and loves all things that He makes, and therefore desires our company.
Table of contents
What is Trinitarian Ontology ?
Piero Coda
John Zizioulas
Colin Gunton
Klaus Hemmerle
Giulio Maspero
Thomas F. Torrence