Trinity Part III

This course examines the foundations of trinitarian doctrine in revelation.
Course code: TH319
Professor: Adrian JuddDr. Thomas Joseph White
This course examines the foundations of trinitarian doctrine in revelation (scripture and tradition read in conjunction with the church’s receptive magisterial teaching).It explores Thomas Aquinas, systematic consideration of the teaching of the church regarding god as one and three persons. it also engages with modern questions of trinitarian doctrine and interpretation.
- to present a fundamental theology of the triune god from a catholic perspective
- to expose students to a number of important classical theological texts and conciliar definitions
- to examine a systematic reflection on the mystery of the most holy trinity from a thomistic perspective
- to do this in some conversation with contemporary debates and controversies.
- to require of students a fair degree of textual analysis, and coherent theological argument, in the form of written essays.
Chapter 1: Trinitarian Processions in God
Chapter 2: Relations & Notional Names
Chapter 3: Persons
Chapter 4: God the Father
Chapter 5: God the Son
Chapter 6: God the Holy Spirit
Chapter 7: Perichoresis
Chapter 8: Appropriation, Creation, & the Unity of Divine Action
Chapter 9: Divine Missions & the Imago Dei
Chapter 10: Jesus Christ & the Revelation of the Triune God in History