Wisdom Literature - part two

Wisdom movements are universal in the ancient world and, from a certain perspective, they influenced or even were the basis or the models of biblical movements.
Course code: THEN17
Professor: Dr. Hervé TremblayCourse description
Wisdom movements are universal in the ancient world and, from a certain perspective, they influenced or even were the basis or the models of biblical movements. Some would even claim that the biblical Wisdom books (Proverbs; Job; Psalms; Qoheleth; Sirach; the Song of Songs; the Book of Wisdom) cannot be properly understood if not in relation to this original background. Others have believed that the label « wisdom » would imply an undue influence of the biblical world, but between the ANE and biblical Wisdom writings there are indeed enough similarities to allow such a label. We will present here a general introduction, followed by a brief presentation of two main cultural worlds: Egypt and Mesopotamia.
Table of contents
- Introduction to the book of Qoheleth
- Introduction to the Song of songs
- Introduction to the Book of Sirach
- Introduction to the book of Wisdom