Philosophy and religious studies

Access: There are no prerequisites for these short courses. The course material is university level.
Length of Studies: 12 months
Validation: Each of the five courses is assessed by a 5 page written assignment.
Certificate: World philosophy and religious studies
Globalization obliges us to get to know different religions. In this certificate, many of them are presented: Hinduism, Islam, and the Indian cultural world in its diversity – whether it is a religion or philosophy is open to interpretation.
Find the list of courses for the new certificate in philosophy "World philosophy and religious studies" below:
List of Courses
A Brief Introduction to and Overview of Classical Religious Hinduism
There are many different spiritual pathways that were born in the Indian sub-continent: Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, for example, and others that came to India such as Christian and Muslim. Hindu spirituality which represents the spiritual quest of the vast majority of the people of India is rooted in the relentless and uninterrupted search of the seers from the Indian sub-continent.
Indian Philosophy Unit I
The main objective of this unit is to get an above all understanding of what Indian Philosophy is and in what circumstances it has developed. Though Indian Philosophy has developed in different parts of India it has many common characteristics hence the student is likely to know a few important ones. Furthermore, one should have a basic understanding of what Indian philosophy is accused of.
Indian Philosophy Unit II
What is expected from the students in this Unit is that they must be able to point out the importance of Vedas in Indian Philosophy, the classification of Vedic literature and must have a proper understanding of the Samhitās, Brāhmaṇas and Āraṇyakas. However, the Upaniśads will be dealt separately. Further, one must be acquainted with a few other important teachings of Veda such as Vedic religion, how monism developed from polytheism, and a basic understanding of what ṛta, the law of karma, the theory of creation, the institution of yajña, āśramas and varṇa is.
Indian Philosophy Unit III
By Studying this particular unit one must be able to understand what is the meaning of Upaniṣad, how it was developed from Vedas and what are its main teachings and how they reach their logical culmination in the identity of the self and the Brahman. One must also be able to understand the Upaniṣadic view point of bondage and liberation along with the cosmogony and puruṣārtas.
The main objective of the conclusion is to introduce the students to the different systems of Indian Philosophy as it deals with various philosophical thoughts of several traditions originated in Indian Subcontinent.