Domuni Universitas PhD School

The Doctoral School offers PhD students the opportunity to get involved in their field of research, while collaborating with researchers from other disciplines. It enables PhD students to acquire high level research skills. It puts them contact with experts in their field of research, enables them to immerse themselves in the scientific community (through publications) and to be involved in scientific events, such as colloquia or sessions. Thanks to residential seminars, PhD students are able to have an intensive research experience each year.
PhD Programmes
Each PhD programme is a postgraduate study and research programme. At the end of this training, participants receive the international title of PhD. Candidates have the possibility to pursue a joint doctorate or a double doctorate (co-supervised), in agreement with other universities or higher education institutions.
- The Doctoral School is headed by the Vice-Chancellor in charge of Studies and Research
- The Council of the Doctoral School includes the Vice-Chancellor and the Dean of the Faculty or their delegate to the Doctoral School
- The Board reviews doctoral applications and oversees the application process and assessment of candidates. Successful applications are selected on the basis of research proposals submitted
Applicant Commitments
The doctoral students commit themselves to follow the following activities:
- Commitment to the development of research skills and the study of the disciplinary, interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary programme of the Doctoral School
- Online doctoral seminar for the chosen discipline;
In addition, doctoral students must master:
- Knowledge of at least two modern languages. Knowledge of more than two languages may be required depending on the discipline chosen and the research subject (knowledge of English is a prerequisite for the PhD)
- The choice of language in which the thesis will be written should be discussed by each candidate with the director and must be approved by the Doctoral School Board
Applicants are requested to submit the following documents to the admissions office
- the online doctoral application form
- a research proposal (10,000 characters minimum, including spaces) addressing the following:
- a presentation of the subject, with specific references to the published literature and the motivation for the choice of subject; the hypotheses to be tested; the methodology to be used in the research; a provisional bibliography; personal and professional CVs; complete academic records for each qualification obtained; documentation of any other relevant studies or research completed
- a digital copy of the Master thesis or any equivalent, academically recognized document, and a copy of publications (if applicable)
Each candidate will be contacted for a Skype interview with one or more professors from the School. Successful applicants will be contacted by the admissions office and informed of the director who has been designated by the Board. Complementary studies may be required for PhD candidates who have not completed a Master's degree at Domuni-Universitas.
At the end of the first year, candidates must submit an application for final approval of their research proposal to the Director of the Doctoral School. The application must include the provisional title, the revised and detailed research proposal, a complete bibliography and an appropriate schedule for the project. The project must be signed by the thesis supervisor. The final project will consist of an oral presentation which will be evaluated by the jury present. This exam should be passed for entry into the second year.
The Council of the Doctoral School will then assign to each candidate two Co-Directors who, alongside the Director, will act as the Doctoral Committee.
At the end of the second year, candidates must submit a written report on the status of their research and present it orally at the “Doctoriales” session. This exam should be passed for entry into the third year.
At the end of the third year, the Director authorizes the official submission of the thesis, after the two co-directors have drafted a report, justifying the final oral defense.
- The study path towards a PhD is individual
- It is subject to a study contract for each year between the doctoral student, the doctoral school and the thesis supervisor
- The study contract includes the regulations for doctoral studies in the discipline in which the doctoral student works