Domuni Research Institute

Research Institute
Domuni University is a research institute characterised by the Dominican commitment to be at the service of the Truth.
Verbo et exemplo
It is to live what we believe and practice what we teach.
At Domuni, the academic research undertaken in the domains of philosophy and theology has the particularity of combining the intellectual and applied dimensions. The Truth is not only to be clarified, it is to be lived and verified. The teaching undertaken at Domuni University is an intellectual and existential commitment. For over 8 centuries the Dominicans (Order of Preachers), combine reflection and action, and thus there is no opposition between tradition and modernity: on the contrary, tradition and modernity are amalgamated in a long experience which structures intelligence for a better approach to the Truth.
Contemplare et aliis contemplata tradere
To give to others the fruit of contemplation
Research at Domuni takes place within the context of an Order that has never been afraid of questions and where teaching and transmission play a major role. The democratic organisation of the Order and its liturgical life, shape a specific theological act that draws its inspiration from the contemplation of the mystery of the incarnation and revelation.
The topics, the issues raised and the chosen assumptions are not merely addressed speculatively. The aim is to promote the understanding of the Faith, to facilitate and improve its communication.
« Open » Research
Fundamentally international in its range of courses, the location of its teaching staff and the geographical locality of its students, Domuni, due to its multicultural nature, offers a particularly vibrant research centre.
Research also takes place in an intercultural dimension that promotes the international dimension of the Dominican order and its partner universities. The internet being an eminent way to promote the proximity of the schools of thought, the chosen subject areas can be studied with a renewed fruitfulness.
The work of both academics and students may be published in « Telos » the Journal of Domuni University, or via the publishing House, Domuni Press (« Ethics and Finance », « The Filiation », « Michel Henry »)
Rich in its cultural and intellectual diversity, the university will be developing various, multidisciplinary and inter-confessional research centres.