Domuni Universitas is a fully digital university offering distance learning courses in theology, philosophy and social sciences. Founded in 1998, the university has a tutorship and a way of organising studies specific to its 100% online character. Through the frequently asked questions, find the key information about our training.
Is there an age limit to register?
You must have the equivalent of a graduate from high school. There is no age limit, but one has to be able to follow studies online, to have an internet connection, and to have the openness of mind for evaluations.
How much do studies cost?
An entire academic year costs 1800 €, whatever the subject and whatever the year. The short courses proposed by the university, certificates and diplomas cost 650 € (units of 5 courses). A course on its own with monitoring and validation costs 200 € and 80 € in self-learning.
What studies to choose?
University Domuni offers to students ongoing learning in philosophy and theology. The courses are structured to meet the various needs of students from all backgrounds. The choice of training depends on your desires but also your motivation, whether you want to get lessons step-by-step, in short courses (diplomas and certificates) or long courses recognized by the state (LMD in Philosophy and Theology). LMD stands for Licence-Maîtrise-Doctorat (Bachelor-Master-Doctorate).
I noted the registration fee is 1800 € but are there any extra costs?
There is no extra charge. Everything is included! The cost is calculated per academic year and not per calendar year. A student can extend his first academic year (BA1) over up to two years without paying new fees. Only changing to the next academic year (from BA1 to BA2 ...) implies a new administrative and financial registration.
What is the required minimum time of availability?
A course is about 30 hours of work, including the drafting of the assignment. Since there are about 15 courses per academic year, devote to this at least one hour per day. Domuni allows great flexibility in the pace of study, but one has a maximum of two calendar years to complete the equivalent of an academic year. Students are expected to submit an assignment at least every two months. It is also possible to go faster, knowing that the University Domuni is open all year round, 24/7.
What is the study place of Domuni?
Freeing people from physical attendance does not mean giving up presence itself. Even though students work from home, they are constantly connected to the community formed by students, teachers and tutors via Do-Moodle, the international distance learning platform. Once enrolled, students receive an access code that allows them to download their lectures but also to interact with professors (by mail) or with other students. On the other hand, the university relies on devices that can go from virtual to real progress through the annual summer schools bringing together students from all over the world and with a process of validation of qualifications by physical encounters with lecturers (partials in approved examination centres and thesis presentation before a jury).
I am not a citizen of the EU, can I take the degree of the French state?
The French state degree is not restricted to French citizens or nationals of the EU. The same requirements apply to all students.
Can I interrupt my studies and resume later?
Yes, it is quite possible to pause and resume, slow down and speed up. You study at your own pace and if you go over the calendar year, you do not have to pay new registration fees. As a matter of courtesy, if your interruption lasts more than a month, notify the teaching assistant.
How is the course assessed?
Each course has an assignment. The writing is done at home, without any time limit. The assignment is submitted on the Do-Moodle teaching platform and after grading it is uploaded to the same platform. The student is informed via email. After the first semester, there is a written examination. The date and time are set by mutual agreement between the student and the authorized examination centre. The examination centre is located near the geographical place of residence of the student. The examination takes three hours and it is done in writing. The student addresses one of the three topics presented, as desired. The correction of the examination shall be delivered within two months.
NOTE: Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, all exams are conducted online via Zoom with one of Domuni's mentors or professors.
Is there a deadline to submit assignments?
It is advisable to make an assignment per month, but everyone can study at their own pace. There is no deadline.
Are there any seminars?
University Domuni offers studies that take place entirely on the Internet. Meetings with physical presence are also organised and can be credited, but they are optional: study days, summer school, conferences. Alongside these events with physical presence, the university Domuni organizes "seminars" on the Internet, that is a very important learning interactivity. These seminars are primarily open to students doing a master's degree. They are regularly advertised on the site and students must register themselves.
Will I not feel alone in front of my computer screen?
You may feel alone but you can ask questions about the course, on the content, to the teacher. You can ask questions on procedure to the administration. The university offers students various specific areas that allow a real sociability. On the forums, they can interact with other students, both on their research and on the important events of their lives. They thus form with them a true community of research and study. The "social network" of the university is very well alive.
I live in Paris but I am leaving for Saudi Arabia in three months. Will I be able to continue studying there?
Yes, no problem. All that you need is an internet connection.
If I have a problem, is there someone who can answer me quickly?
When it is an administrative problem, you can contact the tutor or the administration by phone and by email, possibly by teleconference (Skype or hangout). When it is a problem about the content of the course, you ask the teacher.
I can free up time during the week but not at weekends and never during holidays, is it possible?
You must have an availability of approximately 30 hours per course. There are about 10 courses per academic year. If you can free up 300 hours over two years, yes it is possible.
I have some very busy weeks in the year but I have my holidays especially during summer, is it possible?
You can absolutely have intensive learning during the summer. The university Domuni is never closed.
I'm Italian and my English is not perfect, is it possible to validate a course at the University Domuni?
You must be able to write well enough that the teacher understands what you write but you will not be assessed on the quality of your English but the relevance of what you are expressing. The university also offers courses in French and Spanish if you feel more comfortable in one of these languages.
I am a monk, and I generally don't leave the monastery. Can I take my exams at the monastery?
The monastery, under certain conditions, can become an examination centre.
For me it is a journey of faith and an existential approach, will the courses not be too abstract, intellectual?
Courses, any more than faith or the meaning of life, are not abstract or cerebral. There is an intelligence element, and therefore the use of the brain, of course, but the stakes are still very real and important.
Who are the teachers?
The teachers are 80% Dominicans. Teachers often teach in physical institutions and have worked on their courses to make them as clear and pedagogical as possible. Some courses have audio or video, but the vast majority is written, making them very accessible. Teachers answer questions that are asked about the content of their course. They correct student papers. There are also mentors who accompany students and provide methodological help.