Appointments and Academic Life

12 february 2024
Marie Monnet, Rector, has appointed
(in alphabetical order)
Ms. Laure Chocun, a French national, as Executive Assistant to the Rector, for an indefinite assignment, effective January 20, 2024.
Father Wilguens Saint-Fleur, of Haitian nationality, Vice-Rector of the Université Notre-Dame d'Haïti, as professor-mentor in the Faculty of Social Sciences, more specifically in the Department of Ethics, Economics and Development, with interim responsibility for the MBA programs, until 8/31/2024.
Welcome to the Domuni-Universitas faculty,
Dr. Olivier Catel, o.p, a French national, as partner professor, member of the École Biblique et Archéologique Française de Jérusalem, in the Faculty of Theology. Olivier Catel, a specialist in rabbinic literature, will teach the Introduction to Midrash course in both French and English.
Dr. Ioulia Podogora, a Franco-Russian national, as Associate Professor in the Faculty of Philosophy. Ioulia Podogora will give a course on the philosopher Henri Bergson.
Prof. Claude Valentin, a French paediatrician and Doctor of Medicine, Philosophy and Theology, as Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences. Claude Valentin will teach a course on the history of childhood, from Antiquity to the present day.
Ms. Caroline Ferrer, a French national, journalist by profession and art historian, as a lecturer in the Department of History and Art History. Caroline Ferrer will lecture on the representation of Saint-Jérôme in the Cardinal Fesch collection in Corsica (Palais Fesch, Beaux-arts d'Ajaccio).
Moreover, at its meeting on January 25, 2024, the Academic Senate took note of academic news from the university, in interaction with the rectorate and each of the faculties, through the voice of the Rector and each of the invited Deans and Vice-Deans. In particular, it assessed various international teaching and research partnerships. Finally, it contributed to the annual research program for 2024-2025, in terms of study days, colloquia, publications, diffusion and impact of academic research.