Call for papers - The body in the time of covid-19

5 january 2022
The journal Telos is calling for papers for its issue titled
The publishing of this issue on 'The Body in the Time of Covid-19' aims to help one reflect on the transformations that the human body has undergone since the beginning of the pandemic. We are witnessing the introduction of new behavioural rules (forced isolation, physical distancing, restrictions on movement, concealment of part of the face - which has now become the norm -, compulsory injections, facial recognition and the tracing of individuals by means of machines, etc.) which place the human body in a state of flux. On the one hand, the human body is taken seriously, since it is to be cured or, more precisely, protected against an external enemy (the SARS-CoV-2 virus), while on the other hand, its relational dimension is totally overlooked (with others having become a potential danger). Yet Christian thought, the philosophy of Levinas and even ordinary experience affirm the need for physical contact between people. Are human bodies isolated from each other for the sake of their 'health' still truly human? Is the integrity of the human person not threatened by the breakdown of the relationship between bodies? What lessons should we draw about the human being from what really looks like an anthropological revolution? Is it not the very notion of the person that is being redefined?
The aim here is to look at the human body and the future of the person in the specific context of this revolution from various angles: anthropological and sociological, philosophical, theological, psychological, and historical. Field studies but also more abstract reflections will be valued and appreciated. The objective is to understand the concrete and also existential stakes of the current events.
You are invited to submit your articles to the Telos review committee. This issue of Telos will be coordinated by Ms. Marion Dapsance.
The deadline to submit articles is 15/02/2022
Submissions can be sent to the following address:, in Word format. Please include in your message your name, contact information, the title of your article, and the title of the journal issue. All submissions will be acknowledged by email, and all subsequent correspondence regarding the manuscript will be sent by email.
For more information, you can download the pdf: Guidelines for authors