Domuni and UAC in Partnership

25 august 2020
The University of the Assumption in Congo (UAC) is a private university of higher education. It is an initiative taken and carried out by the ASBL-Assumptionist Fathers established in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The UAC has opened its doors to several courses in the faculties that it hosts: Philosophy, Information and Communication Sciences, Language Sciences, Management Informatics, Civil Engineering and Computer Engineering, etc. It is not only a place for teaching and acquiring knowledge but also a place of life; focused on meeting people, and the development and promotion of each of the students who attend it.
The partnership between the two institutions
Domuni and UAC, given their experience in distance learning, will organize dual degree programs in the following disciplines: Theology, Philosophy, Ethics and Social Sciences. Their partnership gives the opportunity to mutualize resources and strengthen multilingual distance learning on the Do-Moodle platform.