
Faces of Domuni: Interview with Benjamin Kabongo Ngeleka (PhD)

Faces of Domuni: Interview with Benjamin Kabongo Ngeleka (PhD)

16 september 2024

Preparing Your Thesis with Domuni Universitas: A discussion with a PhD Student


At Domuni Universitas, we offer a unique and flexible approach to higher education, allowing our students to balance their professional and personal commitments with academic excellence. Our research program, through the PhD School, aligns with this vision: rigorous supervision, access to an international network of research supervisors, and unparalleled flexibility, enabling our research students to progress at their own pace while maintaining the highest academic standards.

Benjamin Kabongo Ngeleka, in his third year of PhD with us, is one of those researchers forging their path with determination and curiosity. In this interview, he shares his experience of pursuing a thesis at Domuni. He speaks of attentive supervision, valuable freedom, and the challenges of this demanding journey. Benjamin provides his reflections, balancing discipline and autonomy, and reminds us that the quest for knowledge, even online, remains a deeply human adventure.

At Domuni, we believe that scientific research knows no boundaries or walls. Far from crowded lecture halls, we provide our students with a space where they can build their ideas, guided by researchers from around the world, with the flexibility needed to balance personal and academic life. Through Benjamin's words, we hope other students will see themselves and find the inspiration to embark on this great research adventure.


Why did you choose to pursue your PhD through an online university rather than a traditional one?

Benjamin Kabongo Ngeleka: Domuni allows me to reconcile my pastoral commitments with my desire for ongoing and accredited education.

It offers the flexibility I need to continue my professional activities while studying.


What were the most important criteria for you in choosing this option (flexibility, supervision, university reputation, etc.)?

B.K.N.: The most important criterion for me was flexibility, which allows me to organize my studies according to my schedule. Over time, I have also appreciated the supervision provided by my master's and PhD thesis supervisors, as well as by the PhD School.


Can you describe how you organize your daily work to successfully complete your thesis remotely?

B.K.N.: Online studies require rigorous personal discipline, even asceticism. Each day, I commit to spending at least two hours studying, whether reading course materials or books. During the week, I strive to dedicate an entire day to intensive research in libraries.


What digital tools or platforms do you primarily use for your research and academic communications?

B.K.N.: I primarily use digital platforms such as Cairn ( and Hall Archives-Ouvertes for my academic research.


What are the advantages and inconveniences you have encountered while preparing your thesis online?

B.K.N.: Among the advantages, I would highlight time saving and a personalized work rhythm. The online format also forces me to ensure the readability of the text. However, one of the drawbacks is the lack of oral exchanges and discussions with the thesis supervisor or other colleagues.


How do you assess the supervision and support received from your thesis supervisor and other academic staff?

B.K.N.: Online PhDs allow the university to mobilize expertise through an international network.

In my case, besides my thesis supervisor's expertise, I particularly appreciate his availability, interactions, and constructive feedback, which have been very useful for the completion of my thesis.


Have you noticed any significant differences in pedagogical or administrative support compared to a traditional university?

B.K.N.: I haven’t noticed significant differences in pedagogical or administrative support. The administrative service responds quickly, and the PhD School program is well planned and communicated in advance, allowing for good organization for research students.


What particular challenges have you faced while preparing your thesis online, and how have you overcome them?

B.K.N.: The lack of interaction with other research students and limited information on conferences organized by Domuni were challenges. I overcame these difficulties by purchasing essential books and visiting nearby university libraries. I also valued my contributions within my pastoral work to earn ECTS credits.


How do you manage potential isolation or lack of direct interaction with other researchers?

B.K.N.: To address isolation, I initiated discussions with those around me. Some of my public communications have also allowed me to test hypotheses related to my research.


Do you think this experience has effectively prepared you for your future academic or professional career? Why?

B.K.N.: Absolutely. This experience has equipped me with the skills necessary for scientific research. Whether online or in-person, a PhD trains you to become an independent researcher, capable of developing structured thinking through scientific methods and tools.


Would you recommend this path to other students? Why or why not?

B.K.N.: Yes, I would recommend this path for the flexibility it offers and the ability to personalize your work rhythm according to other commitments. Additionally, accredited education opens up a range of opportunities.


Benjamin Kabongo is guided by Professor Ellul, OP, Professor Emeritus at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Rome), and Professor Jajé, OP, Professor and Vice-Rector of Domuni Universitas. Specializing in interreligious dialogue, Brother Benjamin Kabongo, of the Order of Friars Minor, serves as a parish priest and dean in Brussels (Belgium).



Through the account of Benjamin Kabongo Ngeleka, the spirit of Domuni Universitas is revealed. A place without walls, where we reinvent the way we learn and teach, where each thesis is a challenge tackled in studious solitude and remote dialogue. Here, the pursuit of knowledge is carried out with rigor but also with that rare freedom that allows everyone to be both a student and the master of their own path. And perhaps, at its core, this is the true strength of Domuni: providing our PhD students with the means to go further, wherever they are, driven by their passion and determination.