JOCAP issue n°3

4 may 2022
We are very pleased to launch the issue n°3 of our academic journal on Contemporary African Philosophy (JOCAP). This academic journal, published in English, is owned by the Dominican Vice Province of Southern Africa in collaboration with the International Dominican University (DOMUNI) and Domuni Press.
This volume, entitled "Politics, Afropolitanism and Human Development ", presents the following topics:
- Improving Living Standards in Nigeria through Human Development
- The Political Legitimacy of Traditional African System of Governance: Ethical Considerations for Majoritarian Democracy
- Ethics of Racism
- Ezumezu Logic: A Clarification and Defense
- Remembering Democracy: A Reflection on an African Tradition
- Gendered Inequalities on Contraceptive Use and Women’s Reproductive Rights: A Philosophical Reflection on Women in the Johane Marange Apostolic Church in Harare
- Is Afropolitanism a Colonial Mentality?
Discover the articles of the academic journal online here .