Appointments and Academic Life

9 june 2024
Marie Monnet, Rector, has appointed
(in alphabetical order)
- Clara Jacob, a French national, as deputy administrative director for an indefinite period from 4 March 2024.
- Dr Patrick Monjou, a French national, as a senior lecturer in the Faculty of Social Sciences, and more specifically in the Department of History.
The following are welcomed to the Domuni-Universitas teaching staff,
- Dr. Maria José Caram, an Argentinean national, is a member of the Faculty of Theology at the Catholic University of Cordoba (Argentina), as a partner professor. Dr. Caram is a specialist in mission theology and ecclesiology.
- Dr. Marta Inès Palacio, of Argentinean nationality, full professor in the Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities at the Catholic University of Cordoba, as partner-professor in the Faculty of Philosophy. Dr. Palacio will be giving a course on the thought of the philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, as well as a course on the philosophy of ecology.
- Dr. Agustin Conde de Boeck, an Argentinian national, is a research lecturer at the National University of Cordoba, specialising in contemporary Latin American literature. He will be teaching a course on Latin American thought in the Faculty of Philosophy.
- Mr. Juan Pablo Albornos, Argentinean, lawyer at the Tucuman bar, specialist in mediation.
- Dr Manuel Ignacio Moyano Palacio, Argentinian, as a lecturer in the Faculty of Philosophy. A specialist in the works of Jorge Luis Borges, his teaching combines literature and philosophy.
In addition, cooperation with the Universidad del Norte Santo Tomas de Aquino (Argentina), known as UNSTA, will be strengthened from the start of the 2024 academic year. As part of this partnership, lecturers in the MBA programme in the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration will become partner-teachers in the Faculty of Social Sciences at Domuni-Universitas, more specifically in the Department of Economics, Ethics and Development.
Finally, the founding association of Domuni-Universitas met on 5 June 2024 for its annual general meeting. The meeting approved the activities and accounts for 2023. It also approved the establishment's provisional budget. It was a fruitful opportunity to discuss teaching, research, publications and the future of Domuni-Universitas. The General Meeting also welcomed four new members.
The Board of Directors also met on the same day. In particular, it appointed its representatives to the Academic Senate. Dr. Jean-Jacques Pérennès, op, Dr. Jacques-Benoit Rauscher, op (as Regent of Studies for the Dominican Province of France) and Dr. Joseph-Thomas Pini, op (as Regent of Studies for the Dominican Province of Toulouse) have been appointed with effect from 1 September 2024.