New publications in English

2 january 2023
New publications in English
We are pleased to announce two new publications in English from our publishing house Domuni Press:
Judith, Sarah and Esther by John J. Lynch
Moral Consistency - with Lonergan's Thought by Paul K. Nyaga
You can order the e-book from:
- Immateriel, the digital distribution platform (Find the publication by typing the title into the search bar)
- Various digital book suppliers (Fnac, Amazon, AppleStore,, Decitre, etc.)
Enjoy reading!
More information on the publications can be found below:
Judith, Sarah & Esther
Jewish Heroines
By John J. Lynch
Jewish Heroines: Judith, Sarah, & Esther is a study of the Jewish heroines of the Deuterocanonical Books of the Old Testament. Readers will be introduced to the hermeneutical methods known as Rhetorical Biblical Criticism and Theological Criticism of the Bible in an attempt to better understand how the books' writers used the literary element of characterization to communicate their intended messages within their respective narratives. The book further explains why these characters can be considered a literary and theological type - the Jewish heroine - and it explores how figural-typological readings of these texts provide a due to their interpretation in light of the wider canon of Scripture.
John J. Lynch serves as a parish priest and has experience teaching in Latin America and the United States. His academic background includes degrees in Greek, theology, and Biblica! studies. Father Lynch is a professor in the Faculty of Theology at Domuni Universitas.
Moral Consistency
with Lonergan's Thought
By Paul K. Nyaga
This book offers a unique approach to contemporary moral issues. Philosophers from antiquity until contemporary times have wrestled with the question of morality. The present work contains ten related chapters, all on moral issues, except chapter two, which is about "knowing". The reason for inserting the chapter on "knowing" is to help the reader to familiarize him/herself with the notion of knowing. It is the chapter which will guide the reader through the chapters that follow, so that he/she can ask, "How do I know that what I am knowing is correct or incorrect?" And, "How do I reach objectivity in the issue at hand?" Other topics dealt with include The Golden Rule, Conscience and its f ormation, The Natural Law, Freedom and Responsibility and The Question of God.
Paul K. Nyaga is a Catholic Priest belonging to the congregation of the Salesians of Don Bosco. Dr. Nyaga teaches Epistemology, Ethics, History of Philosophy, African Philosophy and Logic at Tangaza University College (Nairobi, Kenya).