Webinar: Sacred Spaces from Different Religions

21 october 2020
30 October 2020, 14.00-15.00 CET
DOMUNI LIVE invites you to take part in the webinar
Sacred Spaces from Different Religions
hosted by David Pereyra
This webinar explores the most significant religious architectural expressions in the world. We will study Taoist and Shinto shrines, Buddhist and Hindu temples, Jewish synagogues, Christian churches, and Islamic mosques. A global perspective will allow for comparisons and contrasts between Western and Non-Western architecture.
We will analyze sacred spaces and share our own experiences, in order to evaluate the design intentions and their accomplishments.
20-minute presentation by David Pereyra followed by an open discussion
This webinar will be hosted in English
and is open to the public.
Registration is compulsory and free of charge: Domuni Live