Catherine Joseph Droste

Sister Catherine Joseph Droste, O.P. is a Dominican Sister of the Congregation of St. Cecilia, Nashville, Tennessee. She is a professor of theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome and also serves as vice-dean of the theology faculty.
Sister’s theological degrees (STB, STL & STD in dogmatic theology) are from the Angelicum. Her other degrees include a Bachelor of Arts in history from Christendom College, a Masters in history from Middle Tennessee State University, and a Masters in Educational Administration from Marymount University in Washington, D.C..
As a Dominican Sister of St. Cecilia she has taught at many of the Congregation’s schools, including Aquinas College in Nashville, Tennessee, and held positions of Assistant Principal and Principal.
In the areas of research and teaching her interests include ecclesiology with a particular emphasis on the role of religions and women in the Church, and the life of virtue. Recently she has also been involved in interreligious dialogue, discussing the Blessed Virgin Mary with Muslims in Turkey.
2013 Participant in Dietrich von Hildebrand & The Personalist Vision of Love and Marriage
Seminar, Dietrich von Hildebrand Legacy Project, Franciscan University of Steubenville, 15-19 July.
“St. Catherine of Siena and the 21st Century” Lecture to Students of American University in Rome (23 April).
Celebrate 2013: “For just such a time as this” Ilfacombe, England (1-7 April).
“The Encounter of Faith”
“St. Catherine of Siena: for just such a time as this”
“The Beauty of Faith according to St. Thomas Aquinas”
“Decisione e operatività della fede” per Anno della Fede - Mercoledì Cateriniani 2013, Centro Internazionale di Studi Cateriniani (20 March).
2012 “St. Catherine of Siena and the 21st Century” Lecture to Students of American University in Rome (4 December).
“Thinking about Education with Thomas, Dominic, and Catherine.” Conference with Fr. Vivian Boland, O.P. for the Dominican Sisters, Budakeszi, Hungary (9-11 August).
“If you will be perfect...’ – St. Thomas Aquinas on Evangelical Poverty” in Angelicum 89 (2012), pp. 529-590.
“Why Sacraments? Baptism – Confirmation – Eucharist,” Video Taping for The Sacraments: transforming everyday life series. DVD Resources for CaFE (Catholic Faith Exploration), St. Albans, England.
“Wisdom in Prayer,” Lecture to North American College 3rd Year Seminarians (Rome, April).
“’If you will be perfect...’ – St. Thomas Aquinas on Evangelical Poverty,” Paper presented at conference: “Il consiglio della povertà e la globalizzazione” (Rome - 15 March).
“St. Catherine of Siena: Saint of the New Evangelization” Lecture to Students of American University in Rome (12 March).
2011 Recensione di M. Rhonheimer, The Perspective of Morality: Philosophical Foundations of Thomistic Virtue Ethics, in Angelicum 88 (2011), pp. 1119-1123.
“Saint Catherine of Siena,” Video Taping for Saints Helping Us Today series. DVD Resources for café (Catholic Faith Exploration), St. Albans, England.
“From Rupture to Reform: Towards a Contemporary Theology of Religious Life,” in Angelicum Vol.88 (2011): 123-162.
2010 “St. Cecilia Congregation: Celebrating 150 Years” Lecture at Serra Club, Davidson County (24 November).
“Our Lady of Fatima” Conference at Our Lady of the Lake Parish, Gallatin, TN (13 November).
“Rediscovering Human Dignity in a Contraceptive World” Paper delivered at Baylor University
Symposium on Faith and Culture, Waco, TX (30 October).
“Living the Virtues in a Post-Modern World.” Retreat at Our Lady of the Lake Parish on: Gallatin, TN (23 October).
“Catherine of Siena: Heaven Calls; Earth Enters In.” Lecture for ENDOW Fifth Annual Women’s Conference, Denver, CO (16 October).
“Christ is present to us through the sacraments” in The Tennessee Register, August 2010.
“Veritas et Caritas: St. Thomas and St. Catherine of Siena.” Lecture for the Lay Dominicans, Nashville, TN (April).
“Catherine and the New Evangelization” Lecture for St. Pius Parish, Providence, RI (April).
“The Family: Domestic Church.” Lecture for Williamson County Serra Club, Franklin, TN (March 2010).
“The Point of Penance Is God’s Infinite Love” in The Tennessee Register ( February 2010).
“Sacrament of Reconciliation Meets the Needs of Every Sinner,” in The Tennessee Register (February 2010).
Radio Tapings for We Believe – Catholic Media Productions: St. Joseph Cupertino and Bld. Nun’Alvarez Pereira
St. Teresa of Avila
St. Athanasius
St. Francis de Sales
The Immaculate Conception
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Bernadette and Our Lady of Lourdes
Nashville, TN. Catholic Media Productions “Our Lady of TV and Radio Award” – 2010
2009 “Consider the Rock: Dominus Iesus on Christ and His Church.” Lecture for Aquinas College
Lecture Series, Nashville, TN (November 2009).
“Man, creature or creator: the humanism of Catherine of Siena vs. Ludwig Feuerbach.” Paper delivered at Baylor University Symposium on Faith and Culture, Waco, TX (8-10 October).
“I believe in life everlasting” in The Tennessee Register (August 2009).
“The Bridge: Call to Communion” in The Tennessee Register (June 2009).
“In the Heart of the Church” in The National Catholic Register (May 2009).
“St. Thomas: the Virtuous Life, Friendship, and the University,” Paper delivered at Conference of Association for Core Texts and Courses (ACTC), (Memphis, TN).
2008. “Trinitarian Mercy,” The Tennessee Register (January 2009).
Radio Tapings for We Believe – Catholic Media Productions: St. Catherine of Siena
“Catholic Schools, Inspired by a Supernatural Vision.” Lecture for Education Program at Aquinas College, Nashville, TN (August 2008).
“Setting the World Ablaze: Saint Catherine and the New Evangelization. Lecture for Aquinas College Lecture Series, Nashville, TN (November 2008).
2007 Program Preparation: Diocese of Nashville-Aquinas College 3-Year Catechetical Program
“Saint Catherine of Siena and the New Evangelization,” Retreat for Faculty of Providence Academy, Plymouth, MN (October 2007).
Writer / Editor: Saint Cecilia Congregation Ongoing Formation Program
Temporary Vows Years 1,2,3 A Life Hidden with Christ in God
Final Vows Years 1,2,3 Who Are You, Saint Cecilia?
Final Vows Years 5,6,7 Behold the Heritage
Final Vows Years 4, 8 Series A&B Independent Study
Final Vows Years 9,10 Religious Life in the Heart of the Church