Dr. Alejandro Crosthwaite

Fr. Alejandro Crosthwaite, O.P. was born in Mexico City February 17, 1968. He was raised in Rosarito Beach, Baja California, Mexico, and San Diego, California. He joined the Dominicans in 1990. He was ordained to the ministerial priesthood May 29, 1998.
Fr. Crosthwaite obtained the Bachelor of Arts in philosophy from the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology in 1993 as well as a Master of Divinity in 1998. In 1998 the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley conferred upon Fr. Crosthwaite the Master of Arts in theology.
After four years of pastoral and pedagogical ministry at the University of San Diego, California, and Holy Family Cathedral in Anchorage, Alaska, Fr. Crosthwaite completed a doctoral program in Theology and Society at Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI in 2006 (Theological Ethics focusing on Political Theology and Mass Communication/Media Studies concentrating on Film). Upon completion of his doctoral program at Marquette, Fr. Crosthwaite assumes a teaching position, and is currently the dean of the faculty of social sciences at the Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. Father Crosthwaite is currently a member of the Society of Christian Ethics, The Catholic Theological Society of America, and the American Academy of Religion. [updated: 9-14-06]