Dr. Darren Dias

Darren J. Dias OP
French (fluent); Spanish and Portuguese (fair); Latin (reading knowledge) Citizenship: Canadian?References: available upon request.
Professionnal Experiences
Assistant Professor, Systematic Theology, Faculty of Theology, University of St. Michael’s College (USMC), 2008
Faculty, Toronto School of Theology, 2008
Director, Institutional Accreditation, 2009
Director, Pastoral Formation, 2012
Academic Qualifications
Ph.D., 2008, University of St. Michael’s College, Faculty of Theology. Dissertation title: The Contributions of Bernard J.F. Lonergan to a Systematic Understanding of Religious Diversity Director: Dr. Robert M. Doran
Master of Divinity, 2001, University of St. Michael’s College/Toronto School of Theology
Honours B.A., 1997, History and Religion, University of Toronto
Research Areas and Interests
Trinitarian theology; world religions; religious pluralism and diversity; contemporary theological methods; analytics of human development; postmodern and postcolonial theory; intersection of systematic theology and pastoral praxis.
Academic and Professional Positions
2008 Assistant Professor, systematic theology
University of St. Michael’s College (USMC), Faculty of Theology,
Toronto School of Theology?
•2009, Acting Director of Basic Degree Programs
•2009, Interim Director of Field Education?
•Course Taught:
o Conversion and Pastoral Praxis
o Christianity and the World Religions
o The Mystery of Triune God?o Ecology and the Dialogue of the World’s Religions
o Theological Reflection Seminar?o Issues in Jewish-Christian Dialogue
o Theology of the Holy Spirit?o Sacramental Life
o Contemporary Controversies in Christology
o Practicum for the Sacrament of Penance
2007 Dominican University College, Ottawa?
•Christianity and the World Religions
2007 Faculty of Theology, University of St. Michael’s College
•The Triune God (SMT 2223 HS)
2004 Faculty of Theology, USMC
•Principles of Spiritual Direction (SMP 2222 HS)
Teaching Assistant
2008, may Collège universitaire dominicain
• Sur les pas de saint Paul
2004-2006 Faculty of Theology, USMC
•Introduction to the Study of the New Testament (SMB 1501 ?HF) (Lecture: Ideological Criticism)
•Christology (SMT 3242 HS) (Lecture: Jesus Christ and the ?World Religions)
•Sacramental Life (SMT 2433 HS) (Lecture: Sacrament of ?Orders)
Guest Lecturer
Faculty of Theology, USMC
• Introduction to Ministry (SMP 1600 HF)
• Theological Reflection Seminar
2002-2005 Campus Minister, St. Michael’s College, University of Toronto
• As Campus Minister my various activities included establishing and co-ordinating the Chaplaincy Social Justice Centre; spiritual accompaniment; pastoral planning; communicating with other (interfaith) campus ministers at local, regional and national levels; oversight for the liturgical life of the College.
Academic Honours and Awards
2008 Governor General’s Gold Medal
2004-2005 Advanced Degree Programme Bursary, Faculty of Theology, USMC
2004 Iter Fellowship, The Centre for Reformation and Renaissance Studies (declined) 2000 St. Michael’s Foundation Bursary
1999 The Reverend Walter Principe C.S.B. Bursary
Scholarly and Professional Affiliations
2010- Research Fellow, Lonergan Research Institute (Toronto)
2008- College Theological Society
2006- Catholic Theological Society of America
2004- Canadian Theological Society/ Société théologique canadienne
2002- American Academy of Religion
Service to the Academy
2011-2013 Secretary, Theology Department, Toronto School of Theology
2009-2010 Board Member, Board of Governors, Toronto School of Theology
2009 july Board Member, Bat Kol Institute, Jerusalem, Israel
2009 march USMC Senate Executive Committee
Honorary Doctorate Committee, USMC
Search Committee, Student Services Officer, Faculty of Theology, USMC?
Basic Degree Council, Toronto School of Theology
Master of Divinity Curriculum Review Committee, USMC Student Liaison, Faculty of Theology, USMC and the American Academy of Religion
Search Committee Member, Religion and Education Search, Faculty of Theology, USMC
Graduate Student Representative, USMC Collegium
Liturgy Coordinator, Faculty of Theology, USMC
Comité Liturgique, Centre Universitaire Benoît-Lacroix, Université de Montréal
Student Member, Board of Trustees, Toronto School of Theology
Co-chair, Student Council, Faculty of Theology, USMC
Member, Committee for Lay Concerns, Faculty of Theology, USMC
Member, Social Justice Committee, Faculty of Theology, USMC
Council of Priests, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Toronto Chaplain, Pierre Claverie Lay Dominican Chapter
Councillor, Provincial Council, St. Dominic of Canada Conventual Lector, Priory of St. Thomas Aquinas, Toronto Board Member, Society of Sharing: Inner-City Volunteers Weekend and occasional ministry in the Archdiocese of Toronto (parish, ethnic communities, hospital)
Promoter of Vocations (Toronto Region), Province of St. Dominic of Canada
Board Member, Catholic Cross Cultural (Refugee) Services Bursar, Priory of St. Thomas Aquinas, Toronto Representative of Dominicans for Justice and Peace, United Nations Human Rights Commission, Geneva, Switzerland
“The St. Lawrence Flows into Lake Ontario: Tides of Renewal in the Canadian Dominican Province” in Vatican II: Canadian Experiences ed. Michael Attridge, Catherine Clifford and Gilles Routhier. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press, 2011.
“Why Dialogue?” Religious Life Review 50 (2011): 121-127.
« Pourquoi dialoguer et pourquoi faire du dialogue interreligieux une priorité ?, » En Son Nom 69 (2011) : 23-29.
“Le multiculturalisme au Canada” Sources 45 (2010): 191-195 (with Philippe LeBlanc).
“Démographie et vies des Églises” Présence 19 (2010): 13-15 (with Philippe LeBlanc).
“The Emergence of a Systematics of Religious Diversity: Contributions from Robert M. Doran,” in Meaning and History in Systematic Theology, Essays in Honor of Robert M. Doran, S.J. ed. John Dadosky. Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2009, 93-112.
“Présentation: In Service to the Church: Honouring the Legacy of J.-M. R. Tillard, O.P. (1927-2000),”Au service de l’église Communion, Honouring the Legacy of Jean-Marie R. Tillard, O.P. (1927-2000) Science et Esprit, ed. Michael Attridge, Darren Dias and Michel Gourgues, 61 (2009): 111-115.
“Interfaith Marriage and the Hospitality of Inter-religious Prayer,” Celebrate! 47 (2008): 11-16.
“The Echo of God’s Voice: A Vision of Religious Life in the Thought of Timothy Radcliffe,” Religious Life Review 45 (2006): 17- 30.
Book Reviews
Cyril Orji. Ethnic and Religious Conflict in Africa: An analysis of bias, decline, and conversion based on the work of Bernard Lonergan (Milwaukee: Marquette University Press, 2008) in Toronto Journal of Theology 27 (2011): 137-138.
Bernard Lonergan, Shorter Papers. Volume 20 of the Collected Works of Bernard Lonergan. Ed. Robert C. Croken, Robert M. Doran and H. Daniel Monsour (University of Toronto Press, 2007) in University of Toronto Quarterly, 79 (2010): 403-405.
John V. Taylor, The Incarnate God (London: Continuum, 2004) in Toronto Journal of Theology, 24 (2009): 160-164.
N. T. Wright, Surprised By Hope: Rethinking Heaven, the Resurrection and the Mission of the Church (New York: HarperCollins, 2008) in Science et Esprit, 61 (2009): 305- 308.
Michael L. Brown, What Do Jewish People Think about Jesus (Grand Rapids: Chosen Books, 2007) Toronto Journal of Theology 24 (2008): 299-300.
Frederick E. Crowe, SJ, Christ and History: the Christology of Bernard Lonergan from 1935 to 1982 (Ottawa: Novalis, 2005) in Science et Esprit 60 (2008): 86-88.
Elizabeth A. Johnson, Truly Our Sister: A Theology of Mary in the Communion of Saints New York: Continuum, 2003) in Science and Esprit 58 (2006): 97- 100.
William E. Phipps, Clerical Celibacy: The Heritage (New York: Continuum, 2004) in Toronto Journal of Theology 21 (2005): 309- 310.
Gerald Sloyan, Preaching from the Lectionary (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2004) in Toronto Journal of Theology 20 (2004): 255- 256.
Joseph Gelineau, Liturgical Assembly, Liturgical Song (Portland: Pastoral Press, 2002) in Toronto Journal of Theology 20 (2004):100- 101.
Electronic Publications
“Releasing the Spirit: A Trinitiarian Approach to Religious Diversity,” Available at : http://internet.op.org/node/66 (accessed Sept. 1, 2011)
“Trinitarian Theology and Religious Diversity: Finding a Systematic Framework,” Available at: http://www.lonerganresource.com/pdf/contributors/20091030-Darren_Dias- Trinitarian_Theology_and_Religious_Diversity.pdf (accessed Sept. 1, 2011)
Response to Thomas Hughson, S.J., “Classical Christology and Social Justice: Why the Divinity of Christ Matters,” Available at: http://www.lonerganresource.com/pdf/contributors/Dias- Panel_Response_to_Thomas_Hughson.pdf (accessed Sept. 1, 2011)
Accepted for Publication
“Beginning a Life-Long Process: The Summative Evaluation for Ministry” in Teaching Theology and Religion (with Michael Attridge) (2011/2012).
“Cultivating a Culture of Reception: Some Pastoral Initiatives of the Canadian Dominicans” in Science et Esprit (January 2012).
Submitted for Publication
“Difference and Diversity: Shifting Demographics and Religious Life in Canada,” in CRC Bulletin.
“Re-thinking Salvation History in a Multi-religious Context: Contributions from Bernard Lonergan”
Work in Progress
“World Peace and the World’s Religions”
“Salvation in the Holy Spirit”