Barbara Estelle Beaumont

General information
Born 17/3/1946 in Coventry, GB
1967 – Bachelor of Arts in Modern Languages (First Class Honours), University of London.
1968 - Postgraduate Diploma in Russian Studies, University of Surrey.
1972 - Doctorate in Comparative Literature, University of Leicester.
1971 – 1991 Teaching in various universities, including extra-mural departments (Leicester University, Birmingham University, The Open University – specialising in distance learning)
1992 – Entered the Dominican Monastery at Pellevoisin, France.
1994 - Transfer to Dominican Monastery at Herne, Belgium.
1996 STL, Centre Sèvres, (Jesuit Faculty, Paris).
2000 – Pontifical Doctorate in Theology, University of Fribourg (Switzerland)
Thesis Subject : The Restoration of Dominican Monasteries in France after the Revolution ; published in 2002 by the Dominican Historical Institute, Angelicum, Rome.
2010 – Transfer to the Dominican Monastery at Fatima, Portugal on the canonical suppression of the Monastery at Herne.
Professional Experiences
Lectures and courses on Dominican history and spirituality given in a wide variety of locations (eg Prague, Krakow, USA, Peru, Oslo ; from 2001 to 2006, annual lectures on Dominican Spirituality at the Centre Sèvres, Paris VI, and occasionally at the Catholic University of Lyon.
2000 à 2007 Member of editorial board of Mémoire Dominicaine
Since 2006 – co-foundress of the S.H.O.P. Association (loi 1901), (Sister Historians of the Order of Preachers) – a resource for the study of the history of Dominican women. Library and documentation centre at 11270 Fanjeaux, France.
Since 2009 activities have included the distribution world-wide of distance learning modules for the study of Dominican history.
Other publications :
Flaubert & Turgenev : A Friendship in Letters – the complete correspondence, London, Athlone University of London Press, 1985
Coll. Guides to Holiness – François Mauriac, London, Catholic Truth Society, 1987
The Road from Decadence – from brothel to cloister – selected letters of J.K.Huysmans, London, Athlone Unioversity of London Press, 1989
With Guy Bedouelle op, Guide des lieux dominicains, Horay, Paris, 2004
With Elie Pascal Epinoux op and Sr Marie de Jésus op, Ste Marie de Prouilhe – 800 ans d’histoire dominicaine, éditions du Signe, Strasbourg, 2006
« L’étude et l’enseignement chez les dominicains de l’actuelle Belgique avant 1789 – le cas des collèges d’humanités » in Bibliografische inleiding tot de belgische kloostergeschiiedenis voor 1796, Akten- derde studiedag Algemeen Rijksarchief, 2002, pp.33-48
« Présence des Frères Prêcheurs (Dominicains) en Flandre occidentale et en Hainaut sous l’Ancien Régime » in Annales du Cercle archéologique d’Enghien, T.40, 2007, pp.161-171