Dr. Javier Enrique Carreño

English: Complete Fluency.
Spanish: Native Speaker.
French: Proficient Reader and Writer.
German: Proficient Reader and Writer.
Ph.D, Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, (Leuven, Belgium), October 2010.
Dissertation: “TheTime of Fiction:Edmund Husserl’sPhenomenology of Phantasy” Committee: Rudolf Bernet (director), John Brough (Georgetown U), Ullrich Melle,
Roland Breeur.
M.A., Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain, June 2003.
Thesis title: “The Downfall of Eros inS. Kierkegaard’s Fragments,” summa cum laude. Committee: Ignace Verhack (director), William Desmond, Paul Cruysberghs.
B.A., Philosophy and English, University of Dallas, May 2000.
Philosophy Thesis: “Noetic and Poetic Imagination in Aristotle,” with highest distinction.
English Thesis: “Time and Tragedy in Virginia Wolf’s “The Waves,” with distinction.
Visiting Professor of Philosophy and English at the Austrian Program of Franciscan University of Steubenville (Gaming, Austria). B.A. courses in “Foundations of Ethics,” “Philosophy of the Human Person,” “Aesthetics,” and in “Philosophical and Biblical Themes in Literature” (Fall 2012 - Present).
Visiting Instructor of Philosophy and English at the Austrian Program of Franciscan University of Steubenville (Gaming, Austria). B.A. courses in “Foundations of Ethics,” “Introduction to Metaphysics,” and in “Philosophical and Biblical Imagery in Literature” (Spring 2011- Spring 2012).
Teaching Assistant to Rudolf Bernet and Roland Breeur, Institute of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), M.Phil seminar on “Contemporary Phenomenology: Image and Imagination in Husserl and Sartre” (Fall 2010).
Teaching Assistant to William Desmond, Institute of Philosophy, Catholic University of Louvain (Belgium), B.A. seminar on “Early Modern Philosophy” (Fall 2008); B.A. course on “Research in Philosophy” (Fall 2005).
“The Many Senses of Imagination and the Manifestation of Fiction: A View From Husserl’s Phenomenology of Phantasy.” Husserl Studies, 2012 (DOI 10.1007/s10743- 012-9117-2).
“Charting the Time of Images with Husserl.” Philosophy Today 54 (2010), Proceedings of the 48th Annual SPEP meeting.
The article “Vergegenwa¨rtigung.” In Husserl-Lexikon, ed. Hans-Helmut Gander (Darmstadt, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2010) pp. 294-296.
“Acercamientos Husserlianos al Icono y al Idolo.” In Acta Fenomenolo´gica Latinoamericana v. III, ed. Rosemary Rizo-Patro´n and Antonio Zirio´n Q. (Lima, PUCP, 2009) pp. 357-375.
“On the Temporality of Images according to Husserl.” The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy, vol. VIII (2008), pp. 73-92.
“Erotic and Religious Passion: Revisiting Kierkegaard’s Philosophical Fragments.” In Religious Emotions: Some Philosophical Explorations, ed. Willem Lemmens and Walter van Herck (Cambridge [UK], Cambridge Scholars, 2008) pp. 145-160.
“Husserlian Approaches to the Icon and the Idol.” In Transcendence and Phenomenology, ed. Connor Cunningham and Peter Candler (London, SCM, 2007) pp. 111-133.
“The Imperfect Metaphor of Passion in Kierkegaard’s Philosophical Fragments.” Tijdschrift voor Filosofie, vol. 69 (2007), pp.477-509.
“Pierre Rodrigo. L’intentionnalite´ cre´atrice. Proble`mes de phe´nome´nologie et d’esthe´tique.”
Tijdschrift voor Filosofie (Book review accepted for publication: Fourth Quarter 2012). “Dermot Moran. Edmund Husserl: Founder of Phenomenology.” Tijdschrift voor Filosofie
68/2006, pp. 813-814.
- “Founding Aesthetics Phenomenologically: Husserl’s Phenomenology of Phantasy and Aesthetic experience ” (monograph).
- “Three Phenomenologies of Acting: Sartre, Husserl, and Wojtyla.”
- Participant, Cologne-Louvain Summer School in Phenomenology: The Methods of Husserlian Phenomenology. Husserl Archives of the University of Cologne, Germany, June 16-20, 2012.
- Certification for teaching philosophy, Centre for Educational Development at the Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, 2008-2009.
- Full Time High School Teacher, Dallas Independent School District (USA). English teacher, Freshman class. 2000-2001.