Benjamin Bem Kwaghgba

University Education
- Sacrae Theologiae Doctor (STD), Pontificia Facultad de Teología de San Esteban, Salamanca, 2016
- MA Theology, Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2007 (2009)
- Sacrae Theologiae Baccalaureatus (STB), Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum), Rome, 2006
- BA Philosophy, University of Ibadan, 2003
Language Capability
- English: Native level
- Spanish: Professional/Upper-Intermediate level
- Tiv: Native level
- French: Beginner level
- Dean of Studies, Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology (2016-date) · Acting Head of Department, Theology, Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology (2017-date) · Director of Academic Planning, Dominican University, Ibadan (2017-date)
- Acting Dean, College of Humanities and Management, Dominican University, Ibadan (2017-2019)
- Lecturer of Patristics, Sacraments and Liturgy, Dominican Institute, Ibadan (since 2008)
- Lecturer, Sacraments and Morals, Siena Institute of Theology for Lay Persons, Yaba, Lagos, 2007-2008
- Lecturer, School of Religious and Pastoral Education, Dominican Institute, 2008-present
- Lecturer Dominican University Online (DOMUNI) 2014-present
- Lecturer of Patrology, Sacraments and Liturgy, Dominican University, Ibadan (since 2017)
Pro Bono
- Registrar’s Office, Dominican Institute, Ibadan (Liaison Officer), 2002-2007.
Membership of Boards and Committees
- Chair, Academic Board, Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology (since 2016)
- Chair, Recruitment Board, Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology (since 2016)
- Chair, Disciplinary Committee, Dominican Institute of Philosophy and Theology (since 2016)
- Coordinator, Graduate Theology Programme, in affiliation with Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA (since 2016)
- Member and acting Chair, Academic Planning and Curriculum Development Committee, Dominican University, Ibadan (since 2017)
- Member and Acting Chair, Central Admissions Committee of Senate, Dominican University, Ibadan (since 2017-2020)
- Member, Appointments and Promotions Committee, Dominican University, Ibadan (since 2017)
- Senate member, Dominican University, Ibadan (since 2017)
- I have also held, and still hold, many other responsibilities outside of the academic environment
- Kwaghgba, Benjamin Bem. “Nigeria y la interminable persecución de los cristianos.” En Acontecimiento. No. 110, vol. 1, 2014: 37-42.
- Kwaghgba, Benjamin Bem. “Dialogue with Islam: the Way Forward” in Arue, special edition, August 2014, as a Pre-conference paper for the Dominican Family JPCC & JRD Joint Conference, 11-16 August, 2014, Surabaya, Indonesia, pp.52-56.
- Kwaghgba, Benjamin Bem. “El hombre en su dignidad: La antropología teológica de Tertuliano.” Ciencia Tomista. Vol. 143, Nº. 461, 2016: 223-330
- Kwaghgba, Benjamin Bem. “Balancing Catholic Identity with Civic Responsibility: A Dilemma for Nigerian Catholics.” In Luke E. Ijezie, Stephen Audu & Agnes I Acha (eds), The Christian, Elections and Faithful Citizenship in a Pluralist Society. Proceedings of the 33rd Conference of the Catholic Theological Association of Nigeria (CATHAN) held at Domus Fidei Centre, Ikeja, Lagos, April 3-6, 2018: pp. 308-321