Joseph Ellul

Academic Degrees
1986: Licentiate in Arabic and Islamic Studies (Pontifical Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies [P.I.S.A.I], ROME).
Title of license dissertation: Some meanings of the root kh-l-f according to Zamakhsharî, Râzî and Baidâwî
1987: Licentiate in Theology (Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, ROME)
1997: Doctorate in Theology [specialization in Ecumenical Studies] (Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas [P.U.S.T.] ROME).
Title of doctoral dissertation: Growth in Koinonia: Baptism and its Relation to the Eucharist in Roman Catholic-Orthodox Perspective, ROME 1997; pp. 210.
Highlights of Career
1987-1990 – Teacher of Arabic at St. Albert the Great College, VALLETTA.
1988 to date – Archbishop’s delegate for Christian-Muslim dialogue.
1988-1993 – Founder/Editor of cultural review KNISJA 2000 (CHURCH 2000)
1991 to date – Lecturer in the Faculty of Arts (Department of Philosophy, Mediterranean Institute, Department of Arabic and Near Eastern Studies), Faculty of Theology – University of Malta.
1997 to date – Professor incaricatus in the Faculty of Theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, ROME.
1999 to date – Visiting Professor at the Pontifical Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies, ROME.
2005 to date – Member of the Committee for Relations with Muslims of the Council of European Bishops’ Conferences.
2007 to date – Consultor to the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.
‘Il-Kuncett taz-Zwieg u l-Familja fl-Islam’ (The concept of Marriage and the Family in Islam), Knisja 2000: 1988 September-October (3), pp. 34-47.
‘Il-Laqgha tal-Papa mar-Rapprezentanti mid-Dinja tal-Kultura’ (The Pope’s encounter with representatives from the world of culture’), Knisja 2000: 1990 April-May (12), pp. 63-70.
‘Laqgha Ekumenika’ (Ecumenical Encounter), Knisja 2000: 1990 April-May (12), pp. 83-89.
‘Djalogu u kerygma: Il-Knisja lejn is-Sena 2000’ (Dialogue and Kerygma’: Towards the year 2000), Knisja 2000: 1992 October-December (23), pp. 21-30.
‘Iz-Zwieg Nisrani-Musulman’ (Christian-Muslim Marriage), Problemi tal-Lum (Today’s Issues): 1995 October, pp. 209-215.
‘L-Islam’ (Islam), Knisja 2000: 1997 October-December (43), pp. 45-54. ‘It-Talb Ritwali fl-Islam’ (Ritual Prayer in Islam), Knisja 2000 April-June (45), pp. 95-104.
‘Fides et ratio… according to Averroes’, Knisja 2000: 1999 July-December (50) [Studies in honour of Prof. Peter Paul Zerafa, O.P.], pp. 133-150.
‘L-Islam u l-Ktieb Imqaddes tieghu’ (Islam and its Holy Book), an introductory study to the first Maltese translation of the Qur’an by Edmund Teuma O.F.M. Conv., Centru Animazjoni u Komunikazzjoni, Malta 2000. ‘Id-duttrina eskatologika tal-Qur’an’ (The Eschatological Doctrine of the Qur’an), Knisja 2000: 2000 October-December (54), pp. 57-70.
‘It-taghlim tal-Qur’an dwar l-Angli (Qur’anic teachings concerning the angels), Knisja 2000: 2001 January-March (55), pp. 59-66.
‘Inter-religious dialogue and the evangelizing mission of the Church’, Knisja 2000: 2001 (October-December (58), pp. 49-64.
‘God and Time: Islamic philosophy and mysticism’, Angelicum 2001 (78), pp. 651-668.
‘Religion and Culture: Dialogue in a Secular Society’ Cultures and Faith vol. X: 2002 (1), pp. 22-35.
‘Thomas Aquinas and Muslim-Christian Dialogue: An appraisal of De rationibus fidei’, Angelicum: 2001 (80), 177-200.
'Thomas Aquinas and the Challenge of Islam: An appraisal of De rationibus fidei, Knisja 2000: 2002 July-September (61), pp. 99-119.
‘Islam and Modernity’, Oikonomia: Journal of Ethics and Social Sciences October 2003 (3), pp. 24-36.
‘The Distinctio realis between Essence and Existence in the philosophy of Thomas Aquinas’, in Anna-Teresa Tymienicka (ed.) The Passions of the Soul in the Metamorphosis of Becoming (Islamic Philosophy and Occidental Phenomenology in Dialogue Series, vol. I) Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (The Netherlands) 2003, pp. 161-170.
'Islam and the Challenge of Modernity', Knisja 2000: 2004 October-December (70), pp. 49-78.
'Ir-Regola ta' Santu Wistin u l-Ordni tal-Predikaturi' (The Rule of Saint Augustine and the Order of Preachers), Knisja 2000: 2005 April-June (72), pp. 87-89.
‘Giudaismo, Cristianesimo, Islam: identità e orientamenti per il dialogo interreligioso’, in Rassegna: Convegni di Cultura Maria Cristina di Savoia, Anno LVII, Lug/Ott. 2006, pp. 240-253.
‘Secularism, Pluralism and the Rediscovery of Religion’, in The Family, Law, Religion and Society in the European Union edited by Peter G. Xuereb (Project Co-ordinator), Civil Society Project Report 2006, The European Documentation and Research Centre, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, University of Malta 2006, pp. 37-44.
'The Rediscovery of Religion in a Secular Pluralistic Society, Knisja 2000: 2006 July-September (77), pp. 69-80.
'The Presence and Role of Religion in a Consumer Society', in Business Ethics and Religious Values in the European Union and Malta: For a Moral Level Playing Field, edited by Peter G. Xuereb (Project Co-ordinator), Civil Society Project Report 2007, The European Documentation and Research Centre, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, University of Malta 2007, pp. 45-52.
“Fondamentalismo religioso e fondamentalismo laicista: il fenomeno dell'islam in Europa”, in G.M. Salvati (ed), Oltre il fondamentalismo e il relativismo: Atti del Convegno, 11-12 maggio 2007, Angelicum University Press, Roma 2007, pp. 79-94.
"The Issue of Muslim-Christian Dialogue: Nostra Aetate Revisited", Angelicum: 2007(84), 361-382.
‘Cultural Poverty and the Future of Europe: A Case for Christian Relevance?’, The Fight against Poverty, edited by Peter G. Xuereb (Project Co-ordinator), Civil Society Project Report 2008, The European Documentation and Research Centre, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, University of Malta 2008, pp. 281-288.
‘The Challenge of Religion to Secular Europe and the Role of Interreligious Dialogue’, Knisja 2000: 2008 October-December (86), pp. 47-68.
‘The Catholic Church in Malta and Membership in the European Union: Fears- Challenges-Hopes’, edited by Peter G. Xuereb (Project Co-ordinator), Civil Society Project Report 2009, The European Documentation and Research Centre, Jean Monnet European Centre of Excellence, University of Malta 2009, pp. 189-196.
‘Muslim Presence in Malta: A Case for Dialogue’, in Mark Farrugia (ed.), Hide and Seek: Reflections on Faith and Culture in Dialogue, MKSU (Malta) 2009, pp. 224-230.
‘The Debate within Islam concerning Philosophy and Religion’, Knisja 2000: 2009 October-December (90), pp. 65-82.
‘Marija fil-Qur’ân u fit-twemmin Musulman’ (Mary in the Qur’ân and in Muslim Belief), Knisja 2000: 2010 October-December (94), pp. 61-74.
‘L-Istudju fit-Tradizzjoni Dumnikana’ (Study in the Dominican Tradition), Knisja 2000: 2011 January-March (95), pp. 13-30.
‘Il-Predikazzjoni Dumnikana’ (Dominican Preaching), Knisja 2000: 2011 January-March (95), pp. 39-52.
‘Journeying toward God’ in Christian Lives Given to the Study of Islam, C. W. Troll, S.J., C. T. R Hewer (New York: Fordham University Press, 2012), pp. 258-268.
‘The Notion of Good Governance in the Political Thought of Al-Farabi’, OIKONOMIA, vol. 12, no. 1 (Febbraio 2013), pp. 4-8.
‘The Muslim Community and Religious Diversity: Some Reflections Concerning Qur'ân 5:8’, OIKONOMIA, vol. 12, no. 2 (Giugno 2013), pp. 4-10.
‘Der Predigerorden und seine frühen Begegnungen mit dem Islam’ (The Order of Preachers and its Early Encounters with Islam) in Orden im Wandel Europas: Historische Episoden und ihre globalen Folgen, eds. P. Bsteh, B. Proksch & C. Hoffmann (Munster-Wein: Lit, 2013), pp. 146-170.
‘The Stranger Who Visited Me’: The Concept of Hospitality in Islam, OIKONOMIA, vol. 13, no. 1 (Febbraio 2014), pp. 43-46.
Growth in Koinonia: Baptism and its relation to the Eucharist in Roman Catholic-Orthodox Ecumenical Perspective, Rome (1997), pp. iv+210
Iz-Zwieg u l-Familja fl-Islam (Marriage and the family in Islam), Pubblikazzjonijiet Dumnikani, Malta 2001, pp. 44.
Ruzarju Bibliku, (Biblical Rosary), Malta 2004, pp. 100.
L-Ekumenizmu, Malta 2007, pp.78.
Haga Wahda fi Kristu: L-Ekumenizmu fil-Hajja tan-Nisrani, Malta 2007, pp. 80.
Il-Ghala tat-Tama li Ghandna: Twegibiet lil Hutna l-Musulmani, Malta 2009, pp. iii + 64.
Fahhar, Bierek, Xandar: L-Ghan, il-Hajja u l-Hidma tal-Ordni tal-Predikaturi (To Praise, to Bless, to Preach: The Mission, the Life and the Work of the order of Preachers) (Malta: Pubblikazzjonijiet Dumnikani,2013), pp. viii + 112.
Book Reviews
COMBALÍA, Zoila, El derecho de libertad religiosa en el mundo islamico (Navarra [Pamplona] Navarra Gráfica Ediociones, 2001), pp. 279, in Angelicum, Vol. 80, Annum 2003 (1), pp. 225-229.
ERNST, Carl W., Rethinking Islam in the Contemporary World (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2004), pp. 272, in New Blackfriars, Vol. 85, Issue 1000 (October 2004), pp. 654-656.
DE LIBERA, Alain, Métaphysique et noétique: Albert le Grand, (Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2005), pp. 431, in Angelicum, Vol. 84, Annum 2007 (1), pp. 227-228.
THOMAS D’AQUIN, Commentaire du Livre des causes, Introduit, traduit et commenté par Béatrice et Jérôme Decossas (Paris: Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 2005), pp. 269, in Angelicum, Vol. 84, Annum 2007 (2), pp. 490-491.
JANOS, Damien, Method, Structure, and Development of al-Farabi’s Cosmology (Leiden-Boston: E.J. Brill, 2012), pp. xiv + 434, in Islamochristiana n. 38 (2012), pp. 350-352.