Nandy Beugré

French: Native speaker.
English: Fluent.
Darija (Moroccan Arabic) : Basics
Professional Experiences
- May – July 2019 : Part time Professor at the International University of Grand Bassam (IUGB)
- January 2018 to present: Program Manager at MTC (Management and Training Corporation)March 2017 to present: Auto-Entrepreneur (Exotica)
- August 2014 – 2016: Resident Assistant (RA). Al Akhawayn University of Ifrane. Ifrane, Morocco
- July 2016: Management Consultant for ATECH, Inc. University of Ljubljana. Ljubljana, Slovenia
- February 2012–July 2013: Internal Auditor. Universiapolis. Agadir, Morocco
- August-September 2010: Intern at Foreign Suppliers Payments Department. NESTLE.Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
- May-June 2010: Accountant Assistant Intern. SUD FISC. Agadir, Morocco
- August-September 2009: Foreign Suppliers Payment Assistant Intern. UNILEVER. Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
- January 2014- December 2016: MBA in General Business (Management), Al Akhawayn Univerty of Ifrane, Morocco
- July 2016: Certificate in Leadership for Change in Action and Supply Chain Management, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
- April 2016: Microsoft Office® Specialist Certification, Microsoft. Ifrane, Morrocco
- October 2010 – June 2012: Master in Finance, Audit, and Management, University of Lorraine, France.
- October 2007 – June 2010: Bachelor in Business Administration, Universiapolis. Agadir, Morocco
- August 2007: Scientific Baccalaureate, Abidjan Côte d’Ivoire
Scientific Research Experience
- May 2017 : Research Assistant (secondary research)
Working with Dr. Émilie Roy on the research project Cartographie des mécanismes institutionnels et des interventions de l’UNICEF sur l’éducation coranique dans les pays d’Afrique de l’Ouest et du Centre on the West African region. The project has been initiated by Quale and UNICEF institutions.
- December 2016: MBA Thesis
“Real Exchange rate and Economic Growth in West Africa: A Panel Data Analysis”
Supervised by Dr. Abdelmoumain Lahrech.
- January 2016 – December 2016: Research Assistant (primary research)
Research assistant of Ms. Amy Fishburn on Mobility Research Project organized by both the university of Pretoria and Arizona. I have contributed with translations, transcriptions, and interviews.