Marie Monnet

Marie Monnet, born in June 1978, is a French Dominican Sister, Doctor of Law, Doctor of Theology, and philosopher. She has been rector of Domuni-Universitas since September 1, 2023.
Born in southern Burgundy (France), her studies took her to the Sorbonne (Paris), where she graduated in law, history and philosophy. She continued her philosophical and theological training in Toulouse (France), then in Louvain (Belgium), conducting research on the Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, entitled "Au commencement était la Relation" [In the beginning was relationship], then on "Violence et désir de vie" [Violence and the desire for life], in the light of the thought and works of E. Levinas and René Girard.
She also pursued her studies in law, culminating in a doctorate, defended at the University of Toulouse in May 2013. She specialized in international law, and her research focused on the School of Salamanca, initiated by the Dominican Francisco de Vitoria in the 16th century, and its reception in the Western legal tradition. Her work demonstrates that the free movement of people is a privileged marker of humanity and equality, revealing the degree of political maturity of a democratic system. Her research uncovers one of the anthropological and theological sources of the Western legal tradition. In July 2014, Marie Monnet published a book based on this research, with Editions du Cerf: Homo Viator, la libre circulation des personnes, entre ancienne et nouvelle mondialisation [Homo Viator, the free movement of people, between old and new globalization].
In 2014, within the framework of Domuni-Universitas and its partners, notably the San Esteban faculty in Salamanca, she organized an international colloquium that brought together some twenty researchers, jurists, political scientists, historians, philosophers and theologians, from several cultural and linguistic areas, to think about the "sources of liberalism and human rights". The works of this colloquium were published in 2016 by Domuni-Press and the Presses de l'Institut catholique de Toulouse, under the title La Source théologique du droit [The Theological Source of Law].
In 2017, Marie Monnet published a philosophical essay, a continuation of her research on the Jewish thinker Levinas, dedicated to the relationship to the other, to better grasp the question of otherness, not only in philosophy but also at the heart of political and religious systems. This other way of approaching the question of the border never ceases to motivate the author.
In 2018, Marie Monnet published Dieu Migrant [Migrant God], a biblical and theological work on the question of mobility and hospitality in biblical writings, opening up avenues of reflection to meditate on during the refugee crisis. In 2023, Marie Monnet also published En Chemin [On the Way], a small collection of biblical meditations.
Marie Monnet's approach favors the passage of time, the restitution of intellectual traditions and the history of ideas. She draws on the legacy of the Salamanca thinkers, not only to understand the anthropological and political issues at stake in the discovery of the New World, but also, and more specifically, those of the contemporary global world. Like them, Marie Monnet delves into even deeper sources - biblical narratives and theological traditions - to shed light on the present day. Drawing inspiration from the so-called global history, Marie Monnet plays on the interdisciplinarity of her training in law, philosophy, history and theology, to think about the human being and institutions, the spirit and the law.
- Bachelor's, Master's (STL) and Doctorate (STD) in Theology
- Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate in Law
- Bachelor's, Master's and Advanced Studies Diploma (DEA) in Philosophy
- Bachelor’s degree in history
- Certificate of Aptitude for the Legal Profession (CAPA), Paris Bar Association
Marie Monnet joined Domuni-Universitas in 2005 as an educational engineer. In 2008, she was appointed Director of Studies, and in 2010 Deputy Director. In 2013, she was appointed Director of Research. In 2018, she was appointed Vice-Rector.
Her experience within an international intellectual network, linked by the Internet, has led her to delve deeper into the anthropological changes brought about by new technologies. Her thinking is enriched by the concrete experiences she encounters on a daily basis.
Gaining a foothold on this new digital continent, she developed an international network of teachers, students and training centers. She saw the emergence of a form of collective intelligence that deserves to be explored. She has appeared on radio, television and at conferences, and published a number of articles, including "Internet, le nouveau monde" [Internet, the new world] (2010), "Internet, un nouveau potentiel" [Internet, a new potential] (2011) and "Homo numericus" (2014). In 2012, she founded the Domuni-Press publishing house within Domuni-Universitas, which now has over 70 books in its catalog.
In 2018, she was appointed Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs. On April 28, 2023, she was elected Rector of Domuni-Universitas, taking office on September 1, 2023, for a five-year term.
- Full professor at Domuni-Universitas, since 2010
- Visiting professor at Université de Lorraine (Bachelor 3 in Civil Law and Religion; Master 1 in Law and Religions), 2018-2022
- Director of Masters in Law: Master’s in Human Rights and Master’s in Sources of Law with the Faculty of Law at the Université d'Aix-Marseille
- "Mobilités et gouvernance" [Mobilities and governance] seminar at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Toulouse, International Relations Master's program (2009-2013)
Marie Monnet has run the Domuni-Press publishing house since 2012, as well as the Telos journal.
- Marie Monnet, En chemin [On the Way], Domuni-Press, Toulouse, 2023.
- Marie Monnet, Dieu Migrant [Migrant God], Domuni-Press, Toulouse, 2018.
- Marie Monnet (ed.), La Source théologique du droit [The Theological Source of Law], Domuni-Press & Presses universitaires de l'Institut catholique de Toulouse, Toulouse, 2016.
- Marie Monnet, E. Levinas. La relation à l'autre [The Relationship to the Other], Domuni-Press & Presses universitaires de l'Institut catholique de Toulouse, Toulouse, 2015.
- Marie Monnet, Homo Viator, la libre circulation des personnes, entre ancienne et nouvelle mondialisation [Homo Viator, The free movement of men between old and new globalization], Ed. du Cerf, Paris, 2014 (2016, 2nd edition).
- Marie Monnet, "Joseph-Thomas Delos (1889-1974)", Dictionnaire biographique des frères prêcheurs, XIXe-XXe siècles [Biographical dictionary of Friars Preachers, 19th-20th centuries], CEMS/IMM/ EHESS, 2016
- Marie Monnet, Intelligence de la foi et engagement social [Intelligence of Faith and Social Commitment], (ed. B. Van Meenen), Presses de l'Université Saint-Louis, Brussels, 2009.
- Un progrès dans la vérité [A Progress in Truth], Journée d'études "Père Lagrange" [Father Lagrange Study Day], École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, Nice, coming soon, March 8, 2024.
- Marie Balmary, une penseuse chrétienne contemporaine [Marie Balmary, a Contemporary Christian Thinker], Femmes et Religions [Women and Religions], UNESCO Chair, University of Kufa, Iraq, coming soon, March 3-4, 2024.
- René Girard, la Bible, une révélation subversive [René Girard, the Bible, a subversive revelation], Journée d'études René Girard, Centenaire de René Girard [René Girard Centenary Study Day], des Bernardins, Paris, December 15, 2023.
- Blessure et résilience du corps ecclésial [Wounds and Resilience of the Ecclesial Body]. Université d'été de Toulouse-Castanet [Toulouse-Castanet Summer University], June 29, 2023, currently being published. Podcast.
- Les Dominicains et le Droit [Dominicans and the Law], Faculty of Law, University of Strasbourg, November 20, 2021, published in 2023, in Revue de Droit canon n°72, Du "ius communicationis" à la libre circulation [From "ius communicationis" to Free Circulation]. La réception des théologiens-juristes dominicains de Salamanque [The reception of the Dominican theologian-lawyers of Salamanca], RDC 72, 2022, pp. 217-241.
- "Francisco de Vitoria, a Call to Inspire", Justice and Peace, Geneva, August 11, 2021.
- "Changing the narrative, one story at a time", UN Women, Dominican Leadership Conference, New York, March 26, 2021.
- La mobilité. Regard biblique et théologique [Mobility: a Biblical and Theological Perspective]. Université d'été TheoDom, Dominicans of Arbresle, August 26, 2018.
- Aux sources bibliques du droit : Vitoria, Grotius et Locke et leur rapport à l'Écriture [Biblical Sources of Law: Vitoria, Grotius and Locke and their relationship to Scripture], international colloquium, National School of Charters, Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, Paris, December 4, 2017, forthcoming.
- "Le droit à la mobilité, histoire et réception" [The Right to Mobility: History and Reception], Renaissance, Brussels, November 30, 2017.
- Les dominicains et la fondation du concept de droits humains [Dominicans and the Founding of the Concept of Human Rights],, Dominican Province of France, March 19, 2017.
- Résiliences bibliques [Biblical Resilience], Journée d'études de la famille dominicaine de Belgique [Study Day of the Belgian Dominican family], Louvain-la-Neuve, February 15, 2016.
- Bible et Résilience [Bible and Resilience], Université d'été de Castanet [Castanet Summer University], Toulouse (UCEC), June 30, 2016, 95'
- Théologie implicite de l'intégration européenne [Implicit Theology of European Integration], (presentation), Zagreb International Congress, Do religions have significance for Europe, Zagreb, January 9, 2016, 18'
- Cherchez la miséricorde [Seek Mercy], (conference), Sablons training cycle, Brussels, November 29, 2015, 61'
- La libre circulation des personnes; l'actualité de l'Ecole de Salamanque [The Free Movement of People; the topicality of the School of Salamanca], (presentation), international colloquium, Libéralisme et droits fondamentaux [Liberalism and Fundamental Rights], Salamanca, July 13, 2014, 60'
- Conclusions et perspectives [Conclusions and Perspectives], (presentation), international colloquium, Libéralisme et droits fondamentaux [Liberalism and Fundamental Rights], July 14, 2014, 20'
- "Homo Numericus" (conference), Université d'été de Castanet [Castanet Summer University], "Medias et rencontres humaines, chances, risques et défis" [Media and human encounters, opportunities, risks and challenges], Toulouse, July 3, 2014, 60'
- La relation à l'autre, question éthique, politique et métaphysique [The relationship with the other, an ethical, political and metaphysical question], (online course), Domuni Universitas, 2008-2014, 90 pp.
- Nous autres [Us others] (conference), 6th Université d'été de Castanet [Castanet Summer University], Toulouse (UCEC), July 3, 2013, 60'
- La raison a sa foi [Reason has its faith], (conference), 3rd Université d'été Domuni [Domuni Summer University], Saint-Gildas de Rhuys, August 24, 2011, 90'
- Internet, le nouveau monde [Internet, the New World] (article), in Monde virtuel, nouveaux media [Virtual World, New Media], Revue internationale Lumen Vitae, Brussels-Montreal-Laval, 2011/3
- La théologie à l'heure d'Internet, un nouveau potentiel [Theology in the Age of the Internet, a New Potential] (article), Presses de l'université Saint Louis, Brussels, 2010.
- Le désir et l'illusion [Desire and Illusion], (conference), 2nd Domuni Summer University, Paris, July 5, 2010.
- Au commencement était la Relation [In the Beginning Was Relationship], (presentation), study day, Université Saint Louis, Brussels, February 12, 2009.
- Relation et entretien [Relationship and Maintenance] (presentation), international colloquium, UNESCO, Paris, Un siècle avec Levinas [A century with Levinas], Paris, November 16, 2006.
- Levinas et la culture européenne [Levinas and European Culture] (conference), with M. Van Aerde, Agora Tête d'or, Lyon, November 27, 2006.
- Levinas et la non-violence [Levinas and Non-violence] (article), Alternatives Non-Violentes magazine, n°137, pp. 42-48, 2005.
- La solitude [Solitude], "Jean Nabert" series, Dominicans of Froidmont, April 24, 2007.
- L'échec [Failure], "Jean Nabert" series, Dominicans of Froidmont, May 5, 2007.
- Le mal [Evil], "Jean Nabert" series, Dominicans of Froidmont, May 14, 2007.
- L'Evangile selon Nietzsche [The Gospel According to Nietzsche], Louvain-la-Neuve, March 8, 2005, March 15, 2005, March 22, 2005.
- Philosophie à l'usage de tous les jours [Philosophy for Everyday Use], (series of three conferences), Forum Renaissance, Brussels, March 6, 2005, March 13, 2005, March 20, 2005.
- 1st Domuni-Universitas & Université Catholique d'Angers Summer University, July 6-10, 2009, Angers, France.
- 2nd Domuni-Universitas & Dominican Province of France Summer University, July 1-4, 2010, Paris.
- 3rd Domuni-Universitas & Université de Bretagne-Sud Summer University, August 20-24, 2011, St Gildas-de-Rhuys.
- 4th Domuni-Universitas & Université de Bretagne-Sud Summer University, August 28-September 2, 2012, St Gildas-de-Rhuys.
- Salamanca International Colloquium, Domuni-universitas & San Esteban of Salamanca Faculty, July 10-14, 2014, Salamanca.
- International Colloquium MEODE 1, Domuni-Universitas, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, Ecole biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, December 4-5, 2016, Paris.
- Study and research session, Domuni-Univeritas & École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, July 1-8, 2017, Jerusalem.
- International colloquium MEODE 2, Domuni-Universitas, Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle, Ecole biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, Ecole nationale des Chartes, December 4-5, 2016, Paris.
- Study and research session, Domuni-Universitas and Ecole biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem, October 20-28, 2018, Amman, Jordan.
- 22 study days for undergraduate and graduate students, Paris, Geneva, Lausanne and Brussels (2013-2023).
- Carême dans la Ville 2024 [Lent in the City 2024], online preaching for the week of February 12-18, 2024, coming soon.
- KTO, la foi prise au mot [Faith taken at its word], Lent 2024 series, coming soon.
- Radio Présence, Toulouse, Summer series, July 7, 2023.
- KTO, la foi prise au mot, la fraternité [Fraternity], October 3, 2021.
- KTO, la foi prise au mot, Lent 2020 series, six episodes, April 3 to April 12, 2020.
- RMC, December 23, 2018, Noël pour tous [Christmas for all].
- RMC, December 17, 2018, Genre et Anthropologie chrétienne [Gender and Christian Anthropology].
- RMC, December 9, 2018, Dieu migrant [Migrant God].
- RMC, December 2, 2018, Résiliences [Resilience].
- KTO, October 15, 2018, September 4, 2018, Se former aujourd'hui [Training yourself today].
- France 2, RTBF, Oct. 25, 2013, Nov. 22, 2013, May 5, 2014, Nov. 23, 2014, Jan. 18, 2015, Mar. 15, 2015, Sept. 25, 2016, Nov. 26, 2016, May 28, 2017, Apr. 21, 2017, Oct. 22, 2017, Nov. 25, 2017, theological commentaries on the eurovision televised mass.
- Marche dans la Bible [Walk in the Bible] (Dominicans of Lille, Retreat in the city), 2017, series of 25 meditations and an interview.
- Radio Notre-Dame (Paris), July 11, 2014, conference "Homo numericus", 50'
- Resurrexit (Dominicans of Belgium), 2016, 2017, 2018.
- Les Cahiers Croire, Bayard, Cahier théologie, n°291, Sommes-nous délivrés du mal ? [Are we delivered from evil?], Jan. 2014.
-, Sommes-nous délivrés du mal ? [Are we delivered from evil?], online version March 24, 2014.
- Les Cahiers Croire, Bayard, Cahier théologie, n°286, L'appel s'entend dans la réponse [The call is heard in the answer], April 2013.
- Radio Notre-Dame (Paris), July 9, 2013, conference Nous autres [Us others], 56'.
- Radio Présence (Toulouse), June 6, 2012, interview Internet, un monde nouveau [Internet, a new world], Part 1 and Part 2, with S. Caze, 54'
- KTO, (Paris), Program la foi prise au mot [Faith taken at its word], with Régis Burnet, September 11, 2011, 53'
- La Vie, February 2, 2011, les Essentiels [The Essentials], Interview with Ch. Wright.
- RTBF (Brussels), with Ph. Mawet, April 17, 2005, 36'