Bachelor 3 Theology

Length: 1 year (can be spread over 2 calendar years)
Preparing for degree : Bachelor of Arts in Theology
You can download the above detailed program in PDF format for Year 3 of the Bachelor’s in Theology.
At the bottom of this page is the list of courses. By clicking on the title of each, you can see the course presentation and the detailed outline of each course.
Take the quiz for each course
Submit 10 assignments/papers for the different courses studied
Take the two in-person exams (semester 5 exam, semester 6 exam). An exam in person taxes place by a videoconference examination, recorded, with a doctor of philosophy
The third year of theology presents the mystery of the Church in its missionary zeal, its fundamental unity and sacramental life, with courses on St Paul and the Epistles of John.
Additionally, there is content on Canon Law, Ecclesiology, and the Second Vatican Council, a pastoral Council, which, according to Pope John XXIII, had the concern, “that the sacred deposit of Christian doctrine should be guarded and taught more efficaciously.”
Furthermore, there is a course on Catholic Social Teaching (also known as Catholic Social Doctrine), which sums up the teachings of the Church on social justice issues. It promotes a vision of a just society that is grounded in the Sacred Scriptures and in the wisdom gathered from experience by the Christian community as it has responded to social, economic, and political issues throughout history.
In philosophy, students will get the opportunity to be introduced to the historical beginning of bioethics, as well as some of the moral theories employed in bioethics discourse, and to Kant, centering on Freedom as a key concept to understand his philosophy, in the three spheres defined by the critical project: Metaphysics, Moral and Aesthetics.
It is also possible to take modules from other disciplines and / or in a different language (one course per year may be taken in a foreign language for which the student will be required to have a passive knowledge of the language in question).
Enrollment happens daily. As soon as the registration process is completed, students receive a code that allows them to access the Domoodle teaching platform and begin studying. Each academic year can be spread over two calendar years without the need to re-enroll or pay tuition fees again.
List of Courses
Catholic Social Teaching
Catholic Social Teaching (also known as Catholic Social Doctrine) sums up the teachings of the Church on social justice issues. It promotes a vision of a just society that is grounded in the Sacred Scriptures and in the wisdom gathered from experience by the Christian community as it has responded to social, economic, and political issues throughout history.
Canon Law- Part I
Law is a juridical system that organizes the social aspects of humankind. For that reason the systematic oranization, the content and the governing principle of canon law and its different branches should and do conform to how well the Church’s social dimension and social structures are understood at each moment in time.
Kant: A philosophy of Freedom
According to Gibelin in his Foreword to Religion within the Limits of Reason Alone, Freedom is the central theme of Kant’s philosophy. This course will introduce to Kant, centering on Freedom as a key concept to understand his philosophy, in the three spheres defined by the critical project: Metaphysics, Moral and Aesthetics.
Canon Law - Part II
Law is a juridical system that organizes the social aspects of humankind. For that reason the systematic oranization, the content and the governing principle of canon law and its different branches should and do conform to how well the Church’s social dimension and social structures are understood at each moment in time.