PhD in Theology

Online, Distance Learning, PhD in Theology

To apply, fill out the online application form (PhD option to be selected).




To apply for the PhD in Theology, you must have completed a Master of Arts in Theology (i.e., a "master 120", "MA 2" or a "master 2") or its equivalent, and have obtained a grade higher than 14/20. This means, since the end of high school, the student must have obtained a Bachelor’s degree and a Master’s degree, totaling 300 ECTS.

The student presents a dissertation project with supporting arguments, accompanied by a specialized bibliography on the chosen subject.

The student has the support of a dissertation director and an accompanying committee (2 other teacher-researchers in the specialization).



The PhD in Theology requires a minimum of 3 years.

Each "academic year" (PhD 1, PhD 2, PhD 3) can be spread over 24 months, and a 4th year can be allowed, with a special agreement.



The registration/tuition fee is 2800 € per academic year.

Upon your initial registration for the PhD1 program, you will be asked to pay the file fees equivalent to 120 euros.

The PhD in Theology program requires 3 academic years of study, which may be spread over several calendar years: each academic year can be spread over two calendar years without the need to re-enroll or pay tuition fees again.




The student must earn 60 ECTS (courses, seminars, presentations at national or international conferences, publications in journals, etc.), part of his PhD program.

At the end of the first year (PhD 1), candidates submit an application for final approval of their research proposal to the Director of the PhD School. The project must be signed by the dissertation supervisor. The final project will consist of an oral presentation which will be evaluated by the jury present. This exam should be passed for entry into the second year.

Halfway through the PhD 2, a confirmation test is required: the accompanying committee accepts (or not) the continuation of the work.

At the end of the PhD 3, it is possible to defend the dissertation if the director, as well as 2 readers approved by the Board of the PhD School, accept the work.


PhD School

The PhD School at Domuni-Universitas is a stimulating environment for extensive research. Its international character and scope make it possible to broaden its vision to consider the issues faced by students in very different contexts. Problematics are approached within a very broad framework, with the perspective of different research directors. This prepares students for an academic career, but also for the exercise of various responsibilities that require the ability to consider complex issues independently. At the academic level, this school allows, among other things, the development of an outstanding ability to write elaborate texts, presenting clearly and methodically unpublished results.


PhD research can be conducted in the following disciplines:

  • Old Testament,
  • New Testament,
  • History of Christianity,
  • Systematic theology,
  • Theological ethics, bioethics,
  • Practical theology,
  • Spirituality,
  • Patristics,
  • Ecumenism,
  • Interreligious dialogue.

Domuni’s international network makes it possible to find specialists in many subjects to direct research dissertations, but they must accept the proposed subject.



It is possible to study anywhere, at home or on the road.

It is also possible, because of the asynchronous teaching system, to study while having professional or family responsibilities. Any available time can be utilized, even commuting time, since the courses are also accessible via smartphone.

It is also worth noting that enrollment happens daily. As soon as the registration process is completed, students receive a code that allows them to access the Domoodle teaching platform and begin studying. Each academic year can be spread over two calendar years without the need to re-enroll or pay tuition fees again.