PhD 3 Theology

Duration: 1 year
Degree type: Domuni Universitas
Entry requirements: Second year of PhD in Theology
PhD 3 - Year 3 of the Online, Distance Learning, PhD in Theology
The risk of the third year of a PhD is not so much to give up as to spread out. Because of the work done, the horizon opens up to many interesting fields of research. It is therefore important to concentrate on one's subject and not to waste time travelling different roads at the same time. All research is limited and one must aim at the conclusion of the work without neglecting the energy necessary for the finishing touches.
At the end of the third year of the PhD studies, it is possible to defend the dissertation. To do so, the accompanying committee, meaning the director and the two readers designated by the board of studies, must have accepted the submission. Only then is a date given for the public defense of the dissertation.