
Nature: Institution of Higher Education and Research
Sector: Private
Nationality: France
Responsible Ministry: Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
Status: Open, since February 2, 1999
Academy: Toulouse
UAI number: 0313102D
Management structure: "Association" of general interest (non-profit sector), as defined by the French law of 1901
SIRET number: 42247252200016
Headquarters address: 1 impasse Lacordaire, 31078 TOULOUSE Cedex 4, France
Legal basis: French "Code de l'éducation" ["Education Code"], articles L731-1 to L731-19
Main phone number: (+33) 9 70 40 72 56
DOMUNI Universitas is authorised to deliver degrees and certificates, in accordance with article 731-14 of the Education Code.
Article L611-8 of the Digital Republic Bill of 7 October 2016 establishes the equivalence between face-to-face teaching and digital distance learning: "les enseignements mis à disposition sous forme numérique par les établissements ont un statut équivalent aux enseignements dispensés en présence des étudiants” (“teaching made available in digital format by institutions has an equivalent status to teaching provided in the [physical] presence of students").
Other affiliations :
Domuni-Universitas is a member of UNOP-RUOP, the Dominican University Network (Rome)
Domuni-Universitas has ECOSOC status with the United Nations - UN (Geneva, New York, Vienna, Nairobi)
Domuni-Universitas is a member of the UNFL, Union of New Free Faculties
Domuni-Universitas is a member of the EUPHE, European Union of Private Higher Education