Seminars Autumn 2025
The miracle narratives in both the Old and New Testaments - Hervé Tremblay
How are we to understand the miracle narratives in the Gospel? How much importance should be placed on miraculous intervention? Why was Christ sometimes portrayed as reluctantly being pulled-in to performing miracles? These questions will form the backdrop for the discussion in this course. Together, we will study the miracle narratives in both the Old and New Testaments, especially in the Gospels, in order to explore how we can better understand the question of the supernatural and its expression in the lives of believers
Read and think with Minima Moralia by Theodor Adorno - Maxime AllardTheodor Adorno is rightly reputed a difficult author to read and to understand. This seminar will plunge in one work only : Minima Moralia. In short vignettes, Adorno analyses what he calls "mutilated life" (beschädigten Leben). Proposing a critical phenomenological approach to daily life, Adorno exposes and denounces different social, economical and anthropological problems. As he does this, he also offers elements towards epistemology, rhetoric and communication. To this day, his propositions still offer food for thought!